Wednesday, December 4, 2013



Your earthly architects are fallible and are continually making mistakes that need to be revised on their blueprints in order to have their project come out to the owners satisfaction. My Father is the chief and infallible architect of innumerable galaxies. He is the ultimate of perfection and can never make a mistake, because above Him there is no other. He has placed Me as the chief cornerstone and His living word as the foundation on which He builds everything! "No other foundation can any man lay, other than what He has laid, which is Me, Jesus Christ." 1 Corinthians 3:11 KJV

He has billions of  pages of detail blueprints also without mistake and if you look at the corner label, one of them has your name on it. All blueprints have this note: THIS DRAWING IS FOR CONSTRUCTION PURPOSES DO NOT REVISE!  You are designed to fit into His master plan of the ages, but you must allow My Holy Spirit to work according to your creators blueprint in order to fulfill your the purpose for which He created you. You have been trying to make your own plans and you are not an architect. When you gave your life to Me, you took His blueprint, but you are always trying to make revisions to match up with your own plan. Stop It!  Throw away you pencil and allow the master builder to continue His work, with Me as the Chief Corner stone, which most will reject and their lives will collapse, in the storm!

You must throw your plans in the waste basket, no matter how long you have worked on them. Even if people brag about them and say how beautiful they are, trash them, because "I know the thoughts that My Father thinks about you, plans of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end, that will be glorious and more than you could ever want!"  Jeremiah 29:11 KJV Your whole life is going to change and what you have built thus far will not stand in the storms of life, let Me knock it down and build you according to My Fathers perfect plan. You will love the new you!!!

1 comment:

  1. The true Gospel is now delivered as a witness Matt 24:14.
    Our heavenly Father will not put any child of his into a hell fire no matter what their sins. It never entered the heart or mind of God to ever do such a thing Jer7:31, Jer 19:5. The witness is on these websites,
    The word Gospel means Good Tale.
    God chose a woman to deliver Rev 12:5-6 the true word John 1:1, Acts 3:21-23 like unto Moses Deut 18:18 proving the power of God as Elijah Matt 17:3, , Luke 1:17. The proof of what I tell you is in the hearing. If you love God with all your heart, soul and mind then obey God's word Matt 4:4 and prove ALL things 1 Thes 5:21.
