Wednesday, October 29, 2014



I know the end from the beginning, so if you are saved before you die when were you actually saved from My perspective? You may ask what difference does perspective make? All the difference in the world to those being pursued by My Spirit. If you see every person with My full thought then you will look at every one as a new creation in the end, from their present state, no matter what that may be. Their language, attitude and habits will not put them in your hopeless book. Neither will you be in a rush to say a simple prayer and say they are saved. "No man can come to me, except the Father which hath sent me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day." John 6:44

Seeing the end from the beginning is only possible when you know the ways of My Father, and have his heart for the person that He has placed in your care. Impatience will cause you to change places with Me and try to save them yourself. Of course this is impossible, but your impatience will have led you into deception, and you will not notice, your taking the savior position. "Can the blind lead the blind? shall they not both fall into the ditch?" Luke 6:39 The savior position will burn you out and leave the person in a worse condition in the end, blaming Me for your inability to change their lives.

In your natural mind, you have no idea of all the ingredients that goes into a persons salvation. With some people it takes 40 years to add in all the ingredients. It's very surprising when that simple last tiny simple ingredient is added and suddenly a great salvation occurs. They may have seen miracles, had several near death experiences, yet no transformation, then suddenly it was one little sentence from a little child did it!  It's never by might, nor by power, but always by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts." Zechariah 4:6

So it makes no difference when they are saved because I always see the end from the beginning, so from My eternal prospective living outside of time, they are just saved. Now when you start seeing people as saved before their manifestation comes, they're being drunk, high, and foul mouthed will not frighten you away, because your leaving the transformation up to Me. This is when you become an active part of My kingdom coming to earth, working with Me, 2 Corinthians 6:1 instead of doing your own salvation plan. This way there will be no spiritual premature births, or still births, or birth defects.

Tender patient love will never fail. Love them into the kingdom. Their own sinful condition will work toward their full salvation, as they compare your joy with their misery.

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