Tuesday, September 30, 2014



So many believers are abused by the church or church leaders and they blame Me for it. Instead of following Me to the next level in My plan for their walk with Me. They entered a pity party and took it out on Me. When someone does not receive you or your ministry don't make a big deal about it. Simply when you go out of that city, shake off the very dust from your feet for a testimony against them. (‭Luke‬ ‭9‬:‭5‬) If I have called you and gifted you, you will be held accountable to use your gift until death. If you are rejected because of religious tradition, your are to follow Me elsewhere and continue to use your gift wherever I lead. It maybe in your home, in a park, or a shack, My interest is not in buildings but the souls that I give you to mentor!

The moment you start to blame Me, the demons of hell will begin clawing you to death. They will claw away your joy, so that your strength wanes and sickness sets in. They will claw away at your security and finances, claw at your marriage, dig and undermine your purpose and peace until you have lost direction. Eventually your faith in Me will cave in and there will be nothing left but an angry you that no one can live with. Job 1:8-12 The enemy knows if he can get you to blame Me for what he does, he has defeated Me in your life! Many potentially great leaders have been defeated this way!

He knows the only way he can defeat you is to separate you and I, I will never leave you, but if he can get you to push Me out, then he can then torment you and claw away all that you have. Always,  always, always hold fast to Me no matter how dark the valley, and see Me bring you through the toughest of situations. I am your faithful God!!! I will never leave you, don't leave Me.

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