Wednesday, July 30, 2014



If you confess with your mouth that I am your Lord, and believe in your heart that Father has raised Me from the dead, you shall be saved. [10] For it's with the heart that man believes causing him to live in righteousness; and then with his mouth he confesses his salvation." Romans 10:9-10 However multitudes think they are saved, but believe with the wrong part, i.e. the head and not the heart! There is an easy test to see if you have a head or a heart salvation. 

You have a head salvation, when your mind thinks, I have go to church tonight, but in your heart you would rather be with your buddies at the bar. When your mind says I will I will pray, but in your heart you would rather watch TV. When your mind says you should witness to that person, but your heart says, someone else will do it! You think you are saved with your head, but your unbelieving heart says you are still in your lost state. 

You can confess religious jargon all you want to but it amounts only to vain repetition, because the mouth really only confesses what is in your heart. It's never your planned and controlled speech that gives you away, it's when you are away from those you want to impress! Listen to people's language, because they are revealing their spiritual condition. They are telling you what is in their heart, without knowing it. What is their confession when times are tough? Do they blame Me, or praise Me?

What is their language about the poor? Is it, that's their problem or let's help? Is their language toward the opposite sex clean or lustful? Is their language filled with bitterness toward the Jew or of loving the Jewish people? Are they always speaking about getting even, and making someone pay, or saying Father forgive them for they do not know? How much talk is about earthly things and how much about My kingdom? Can they give you a thousand ball scores, but not a single scripture verse? Every heart has a mouth, listen to heart language and you soon know how to deal with people, and discover your own condition. 

Listen closely to what your heart is saying today, not when you are around the pastor or church leaders, but when you are with family or coworkers or strangers. Many of you may discover you have only a head knowledge of salvation. Some who have been raised in church think you are saved but "out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks!" Matthew 12:34 I am not willing that any of you should perish, I died for everyone's heart salvation, so please check your heart language today!

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