Tuesday, July 8, 2014



If you let what people say about you determine your attitude, you do not have the God life. You become their slave, and without them ever having contact with you, they can insert a root of bitterness and put a distance between you and Me, causing you to loose your anointing. The God life is described in 1Corinthians 13 all verses. Love without conditions is the only love that will break the power of the enemy in another person, over you. By watching your reaction to what others say or do to you, I know you have a very conditional love, and not My love. Unconditional love has no limits, and no lines. You cannot cross the line of unconditional love because it cannot draw one. 

To obtain the God life you must trade your good life. Here's the problem: To maintain the good life you must spend every waking moment either working to pay for it, or participating in it. Therefore the average American Christian is far to busy to ever be endued with My unconditional love. Everyone automatically experiences unconditional love from Me, because that's who I am. However, they can never receive it and give it away to others because, it is only acquired by spiritual osmosis, while spending hours in My presence each day. The exchange takes place as I reveal Myself to you each day, and you receive a revelation of how I see you, and the human race. As you begin to understand how much I love you, in spite of your condition, you slowly start to become what I have created you to be, LOVE IN ACTION. During this revelation period in My presence, your very nature is transformed and old things pass away and as you behold this revelation everything becomes new. 2 Corinthians 5:17

The great demands of Mammon, to obtain the good life, on the average western citizen, make time alone with Me impossible. Therefore unless you are willing to forgo the good life, you can never obtain the God life. No matter how hard you work at it, your natural man cannot produce unconditional love! Your natural love always breaks down and fails because your old nature is still alive and very protective of the good life. Only when your flesh is crucified, can unconditional love fill your being. Flesh always sets boundaries to protect the good life, and when those boundaries are crossed, human love fails. My love knows no boundaries.  

Mammon will gladly bless you, but only to enslave you with the good life, to prevent you from obeying Matthew 6:33 and experiencing the God life. Now you know why 1st Corinthians 13 seems impossible, because, "no servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. You cannot serve Me and mammon." Luke 16:13 The world is waiting for someone with God life to touch them, so they know there is a God of love! The hardest test you will ever have is to trade the good life, to obtain the God life. Only a very few are able to say NO, to the blessings of mammon!

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