Thursday, July 24, 2014



Why do so many of you hold out until you are totally bankrupt before turning to Me? This is a day when death is lurking around every corner. Time is wrapping up so quickly, and you still think there is something of this world worth risking everything for. Sin will overwhelm everyone who is not consumed with Me and My kingdom. "Sin, finding an open door, to express itself, gets a hold on you and arouses and stimulates all kinds of forbidden desires (lust, covetousness). If you had not known redemption, sin would be powerless, the sense of it inactive and a lifeless thing." Romans 7:8 AMP But once you know better, and go ahead sin anyway, the enemy rushes through the open door to destroy you. 

Anyone who plays games, taking light the things of the spirit world is double foolish. Some of you are thinking one little sin or one vice isn't going to kill me! Wrong! A one inch crack in the foundation can allow a rattle snake into your home and kill your whole family. It's the door that lets the enemy in, that ends up killing you! Simply entertaining impure thoughts leaves the door wide open for sexual sins, and unclean spirits that destroy everything. When I said, you live by every word that comes from the mouth of God, I was not joking! Neither was I joking when I said, "Cast down every imagination, and every high thing that exalteth itself against My knowledge, and bring into captivity every thought to make it obey My word;" 2 Corinthians 10:5 

The mind door must be closely guarded because "as you think in mind so are you in your heart:" Proverbs 23:7 A demonic rattle snake from hell can creep in through an unguarded ear gate or the eye gate in seconds, without you recognizing it. Soon you begin thinking things, doing things, feeling things and saying things, you never used too. You wonder where all the anger came from, where are the unclean thoughts coming from, where is this language coming from. Why all of sudden can you see a homeless person and have no pity? When you notice these changes, repent immeadiately, close the door and kill the snake! When you procrastinate and toy with death, death always wins! Can a man take fire in his bosom, and his clothes not be burned? [28] Can one go upon hot coals, and his feet not be burned?" Proverbs 6:27-28 The answer is no!

Close all doors and begin walking in the Spirit and you will endure to the end!

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