Sunday, August 3, 2014



Those who have taken the lead in the war against the legions of darkness must stay under a heavy covering of prayer. The enemy has spiritual snipers waiting for them to exposé themselves in some way to enemy fire. Anything that leads you out of a confident faith walk can make you vulnerable to his snipers, each aiming fiery darts at your weak and unprotected areas. If you are on the front lines of ministry, you cannot afford to knowingly sin and let your guard or shield down. "Without a solid, well placed, shield of faith, you will not be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked." Ephesians 6:16 Even with all things in place, the lead positions are dangerous. Out of all My disciples, only John died of natural causes.

Andrew, brother of Peter, was crucified in Edessa.
Bartholomew was beaten and then crucified in India.
James the Great,bolder brother of John, was beheaded in 44 A.D. in Judea.
James the Less was beaten, stoned, and then clubbed to            death at age 94 in Jerusalem.
Jude, brother of James, was crucified in 72 A.D. in Edessa.
Luke was hanged on an olive tree in Greece.
Mark was dragged to death in Alexandria.
Matthew was killed with a weapon that had a blade and spike in 60 A.D. in Nadabah.
Matthias was stoned and then beheaded in Jerusalem.
Paul was beheaded with a sword in Rome.
Peter was crucified head down by request as unworthy to die the same as Christ, in Rome.
Philip was scourged, imprisoned, and then crucified in 54 A.D. in Heliopolis, Phrygia.
Simon was crucified in 74 A.D. in Britain.
Stephen was stoned to death in 34 A.D. in Jerusalem.
Thomas was thrust through with a spear in India.

You are thinking this is very depressing, no, it's only depressing if your heart strings are still attached to this world. If you cannot see the kingdom, and feel the drawing My Father, or have never basked in His presence then yes, it would be depressing. But all of these considered this their crowning day! They all thought this one thing in common, "For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain. [23]  having a desire to depart, and to be with Christ; is far better: than being in this earthly kingdom.  Philippians 1:21,23

This is hard to understand if you live in a free nation, with no real persecution! But if from the day you were saved, you were beaten, hunted down, imprisoned, and torchered for My name sake, the ultimate blessing would be to go home and receive a martyrs crown! The western mindset is far from the kingdom mindset because of luxury. The eastern christian mindset, considers all earthly possessions as temporary and of little value. The western believer lives like they are taking all their earthly possessions into eternity, while thinking of death as too depressing to even discuss!

This mindset will cause most to fall away when persecution arrives. "Let no one deceive or beguile you in any way, for the day of My return will not come except the apostasy comes first, unless the predicted great falling away of those who have professed to be Christians has come, and the man of lawlessness (sin) is revealed, who is the son of doom (of perdition)," 2 Thessalonians 2:3 AMP If you happen to be a western believer, be sure your heart strings have been detached from all that this world offers! Just take on My mindset, and enjoy your life and death, however it may come about! Philippians 2:5-8 

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