Thursday, May 23, 2013



The fire of My Spirit can only be fanned with obedience. Obedience can only take place when you have heard My instructions. Instructions can only be given, when you have waited on Me, to hear them. Doing, doing, doing will never keep the fire going, because without instruction your doing will be wrong. "I say to you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, [28] Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you." Luke 6:27-28 (KJV) Don't worry about obeying other things if you are not obeying this instruction.

When you develop a negative attitude toward your enemies the negative attitude creeps into your spiritual veins and your whole being becomes negative and your fire dies out. Your flesh will never, never be able to do good to those who dispitefully use you. Flesh always says, eye for an eye! When you do not care for the things of this world, those who are being spiteful and using you, are not a problem. If you are waiting on Me, you will avoid most of this because, you will be about your Fathers business and disconnected from your own. Offense comes when rights are violated, if you are in the kingdom, you left your rights outside the gate.

How can someone steal something from you, that you gave up. Pastors, how can someone steal sheep that you do not own. Pastor flesh, worship leader flesh, deacon flesh, or custodian flesh is still flesh, and will not enter the kingdom. If you are harboring any bad feelings, or resentment toward anyone, you are in the flesh and your fire is going out. Businessman if someone steals a customer from you, keep your mouth shut and love them, because the job was never yours! Remember? You gave up your right to it! Pastor, I never said you own My sheep, if they go to another pasture, they are not worse off. What about the sheep that wander into your pasture, are they worse off?

Wife, if I tell you husband to sell the house and move to the ghetto, so you can be a light to the neighborhood, will you willingly do it? If you say, NO! Your fire is out and your in the flesh! You are saying, I am not giving up My right to my home. Note that moment, because it's the moment your home became your prison and put your fire out! "Whoever finds his lower life will lose the higher life, and whoever loses his lower life on My account will find the higher life." Matthew 10:39 (AMP) Face the truth, most western Christian leaders, will not sacrifice their lower life.

Live in the ghetto, never! A storefront church in the ghetto, that's for beginners! Since when, do you move away from the sick and poor when the multitudes begin responding to My love? Samaria was a ghetto, the lepers lived in the ghetto, the hookers lived in the ghetto. The marketplace was My ghetto on earth. The religious leaders lived in suburbia and when it was necessary, I would leave the ghetto and rebuke them." Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not practice what I tell you?" Luke 6:46 (AMP)

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