Friday, October 18, 2013



So what if it cost you fifty thousand dollars to get your PHD, if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 Yes you can preach spellbound messages and keep people on the edge of their seats, but if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 I know you are working your fingers to the bone, but  if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 Yes I know you went to bible school, and the mission field, but if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 Sure you study your bible for hours, that's good, but if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 

Yes you are in a church building every week, and you put money in to help out, but if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3             I remember when I baptized you in My Holy Spirit and you spoke in the tongues of men and angels, what a day that was for you, but if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3

You don't need to remind Me how many souls you have won, I know exactly how many, it's a lot, but if you do not have love, it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 Let me put it this way; what you do, is not the issue! What is the source of all you do? That's the question. Why, the PHD? Why the great preaching? Why study your bible? Why speak in tongues? Why be faithful to go and give? You can do all these things and still not have My love! When it's all said and done, if you do anything for a return, it's not bad, but "it profits you nothing."  1 Corinthians 13:3 

Listen let's say it the way it is; If anyone has this world's goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can My love live and remain in him? [18] Little children, do not love merely in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity). [19] By this you shall come to know (perceive, recognize, and understand) that you are of the Truth, and can reassure (quiet, conciliate, and pacify) your hearts in My presence," 1 John 3:17-19 AMP

Ok do here is how you do it: Every single day, lay it all down! That's right, everything you think you accomplished for Me, lay it down and count it as nothing. Truly you have done nothing at all, crucify your ego My child, ... "for without me ye can do nothing." John 15:5 KJV.  Yes, and furthermore, count everything as loss comparing it to the possession of the priceless privilege (the overwhelming preciousness, the surpassing worth, and supreme advantage) of knowing Me, your Lord. So you can progressively become more deeply and intimately acquainted with Me, perceiving and recognizing and understanding Me more fully and clearly. For My sake you have to lose everything and consider it all to be mere rubbish (refuse, dregs), in order that you may win (gain) Me (the Anointed One)," Philippians 3:8 AMP That's when the whole born again thing works! 

Again I ask you, if what you are doing, doesn't work and isn't changing lives, WHAT GOOD IS IT? Every day, lay it all down and forget about it! I have it recorded and I will test it at the end, to see if it's gold, silver and precious stones, or wood, hay and stubble. Just think, you may be spending your life, bragging about your stubble! Just saying....

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