Monday, October 14, 2013



My Father can be found resting in very strange places, and He surprises everybody when He shows up. No one ever expects Him in these places. He abides right at the end, where "it is so dark, the people stand afar off. It's only desperate people like Moses that will draw near unto the thick darkness where My Father is." Exodus 20:21 KJV The end of what, you ask? He can always be found at the end! The end of your rope, the end of the road, the end of your everything, where the darkness is so thick you can cut it with a knife. He just sits there in the darkness and waits to catch in His arms, those that the enemy has driven out of hope. My Father said that he would dwell in the thick darkness" 1 Kings 8:12 KJV

He has another resting place at the bottom. It's that place so many are reaching every day, called rock bottom! He shows up there all the time, he practically lives there. It's a famous place where many come to themselves, and say, "How many hired servants of my father's have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger, I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, father, I have sinned against heaven, and before you" Luke 15:17-18 KJV True repentance takes place at lowest of low places, the bottom, where there is nothing but darkness. 

Many people also find Him waiting patiently and quietly at the place of desperation.  When the cost of living is double the paycheck, the kids are needing clothes, and there is barely enough for food, you have reached this crowded place.  A place where they "find My Father to be a refuge and a high tower for the oppressed, a refuge and a stronghold in times of trouble (high cost, destitution, and desperation)." Psalm 9:9 AMP 

Here is the secret to the mystery behind kingdom darkness, "the only place My rebellious children will cry out unto Me is in the place of trouble, and I will delivered them out of all their distresses." Psalm 107:6 But the end result is always a restored relationship. When you are away from Me, trouble and darkness are your best friends. When kingdom darkness surrounds you, you can be sure I am very close, but you will not see Me until you cry out, My child!

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