Sunday, June 29, 2014



A perfectly balanced Christian is 50/50 in kingdom math and is considered lukewarm.  Fifty percent in and fifty out, "so then a balanced Christian, and "neither cold nor hot, I will spew you out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16 KJV Some flesh, some spirit, some holy living and some unholy unholy, some lust of the eye, and some purity. This is balance one foot in the kingdom and one foot in the world. 100% is completely out of balance because the kingdom of heaven is like unto treasure hid in a field; the which when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth and sells 100 % of what possesses, and buyeth that field." Matthew 13:44 KJV

This is how fanatically out of balance you must be: If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his own father and mother in the sense of indifference to or relative disregard for them in comparison with his attitude toward God and likewise his wife and children and brothers and sisters--yes and even his own life also--he cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:26 AMP One rich young man that I really loved, wanted to follow Me but wanted to balance his service to Me with a nice bank account in reserve. As much as I wanted him on My team his idea of a balanced Christian was unacceptable. I said, to him, sell everything that you have and divide the money among the poor, and you will have rich treasure in heaven; and come back and follow Me, become My disciple, join My party, and accompany Me." Luke 18:22 AMP One hundred percent, was too much for him and he walked away sad. 

The problem with hundred percenters is they intimidate the lukewarm by their passion and drive. Seeking first My kingdom is a constant irritation to those that seek earthly kingdoms. The irritation will lead to a silent separation called cliques within a church body. Praying about everything bugs the balanced christian. Their constant conversation about what I am saying, and doing draws those who want My kingdom to come, while it repels the fifty / fifty group.

"Blessed are you that have this unbalanced hunger now: for you shall be filled. Blessed are you that weep for the lukewarm now: for you shall laugh. [22] Blessed are you, when men shall hate you for being a fanatic, and when they shall separate you from their company, because you seek first My kingdom, and shall reproach you , and cast out your name as a fanatic, because you are consumed with Me. [23] Rejoice in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven:" Luke 6:21-23 Slowly I am drawing together the unbalanced fanatics, and forming My last day army. To join the unbalance fanatics is a simple process; "just love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength, and with all your mind; and love your neighbor as yourself." Luke 10:27 If you really do that, you are an unbalanced fanatic!

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