Saturday, November 15, 2014



The higher you rank in My kingdom the more of advantage you have on earth because you have access to inside information. "It is given unto you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to others it is not given." Matthew 13:11 The information is given to the meek and thus making them qualified to inherit the earth. Meekness allows them to use the inside information to build My kingdom on earth, so My will can be done in it as it is in heaven. The meek are low keyed and pure in heart so they see Me in all that I am doing. Matthew 5:8

The knowledge they possess, has great power on earth because it is based on My wisdom, and Kings will seek to hear from them. It's not human wisdom, but I am speaking of the wisdom of My Father, which will always remain a mystery to the carnal mind. It's a hidden wisdom, which He ordained before the world unto your glory:" 1 Corinthians 2:7 This wisdom is from above and it is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." James 3:17

Now you will understand why you have to have rank to have kingdom insider information. The rank of peacemaker, of rank of gentle, rank of easily approachable, a merciful rank, the rank of impartial, and most of all the rank of transparent Kingdom lifestyle. The highest rank in the kingdom is the Father Image rank. I wore that when I walked the earth. Like I told Philip, "he that hath seen Me hath seen the Father;  John 14:9

This highest rank should be every believers goal, to bear the image of Father. Those who I share inside information with are "wise and endued with knowledge among the believers. They show out of a good conversation their works with meekness of wisdom." James 3:13 If you truly desire insider information, but you lack wisdom, ask My Father for it, because He gives to all men liberally, and does not hold back; and it shall be given to you. [6] But be sure to ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavers is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed. [7] Do not think for a minute, that you will receive anything of the My Father." James 1:5-7

When you ask for wisdom be sure you know what you are asking for, the ranks come as a package. If you say, Father I want your wisdom, He will be more the happy to give it to you. First purity, no more unclean viewing, or listening, or even thoughts,  then peaceable, no more fighting for your rights, gentle, no bullying and easy to be intreated, meaning you have time for everyone, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, you will have no more favorites, and without hypocrisy, in other words your the same at home as in public.

When you have ranked, you are ready for kingdom insider information, making you a candidate to inherit the earth. Keep in mind: Solomon was meek when he asked for My wisdom, and he inherited the earth, but he became proud and lost it all!

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