Saturday, November 29, 2014



 Every kingdom person has a two layered purpose, general and specific. The general purpose unites My entire kingdom and the specific purpose unites smaller sections into places of refuge, healing, encouragement, education, deliverance, and direction. Your general purpose is simple, to establish My kingdom on earth so My will can be done on earth as it is in heaven. Every time you obey Me and ignore your flesh you are advancing My kingdom on earth. If I tell you to clean up someone else's mess, and you pick up their litter, you are fulfilling your purpose. If help someone carry groceries, you are fulfilling your purpose. This is why everyone who does these things, experiences a good feeling of satisfaction when they obey.

Now here is the motto of the general purpose: Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good." Romans 12:21 Most of you have been establishing My kingdom without knowing it because "the kingdom of God is within you." Luke 17:21

The second layer of your purpose is specific, it is determined by the gifts and calling I have placed in your heart. You will only discover it by seeking Me and ignoring your own fleshly desires acquired by your environment. Separate your talents from spiritual gifts and give your talents to Me. When I give them back to you they also become spiritual gifts because they now are anointed. A great saxophone player is talented, but when he gives his talent to Me and I anoint it, he now plays only kingdom music. A kingdom person cannot sing world music, because you cannot serve to masters, Matthew 6:24 or have two purposes. I do not anoint what is not kingdom, even if it sounds good, because a house divided against itself cannot stand!

Once you discover your specific purpose you will be easily led from place to place and person to person by My Spirit to fulfill that purpose. How can My Spirit lead you if you do not know your purpose? If I place you in a body and you do not know your purpose, you will not do your part in that body. Keep fulfilling your general purpose, but seek Me with your whole heart for your specific purpose, and enjoy life on earth as it is in heaven! Only those who fulfill their specific purpose on earth will one day be able to say,  "I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith:" 2 Timothy 4:7

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