Wednesday, December 31, 2014



Please do not be deceived; My Father will not be mocked: for whatsoever a man sows, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7 America has reached the mocking point of no return. The blood of fifty million babies cries out to Him night and day. America laughs at the things He hates with a passion. She has made a mockery of marriage between a man and a woman. She worships creation rather than the creator! 

The carnal American church has mocked My grace message by twisting it so they can live in sinful pleasure and feel safe. They have made heroes out of the lawless, the homosexuals and the lesbians, who He calls reprobates. "They play the harlot and trust in their own beauty and power of their military, and poured out fornication on every nation that they passed by." Ezekiel 16:15 You can be sure of this, for multitudes, this year will be the worst yet!

However It all depends where you live! "If you dwell in the secret place of the most High, the place of prayer, you will abide under the protective shadow of My Almighty Father. [2]You will testify of Him, He is your refuge and your fortress: your God; that in him only do you put your trust. [3] and surely He shall deliver you from the snare of satan, and from the judgments about to come on your nation. [4] He will cover you with his feathers of protection, and under His wings you will trust and be safe: His word will be your shield and buckler to keep you strong and safe." Psalm 91:1-4

This year, I will bring some of you home to be safe with Me eternally and all your troubles will be over. Your joy will never end and our fellowship so sweet and it will be eternal! Some of you I will deliver miraculously out of the enemies plot to destroy you with sickness and disease.  "You can be sure of this one thing, while you are still in your body, you are absent from the Me: [7] (But you are walking by faith, not by sight:) [8] You can be confident, that to be absent from the body, is to be present with Me. [9] That's why you should labor this year, that, whether present or absent, you will be accepted by My Father. [10] Always keep in mind, you must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ; because everyone will receive the deeds done in his body, according to how he lived, whether it be good or bad." 2 Corinthians 5:6-10 Either way, if you abide in Me and My word in you, John 15:7 it's going to be the best year yet!

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