Monday, December 15, 2014



Do you have any idea what your saying when you make that statement? When you say that, I take you serious and want all the glory for things you have done. However there is usually a flaw your statement, it's the word 'ALL'. All means that 100% of the glory, recognition, and thank you's, go to Me and you are not even mentioned. Think of it: If you worked three days, laying that floor in the church building, nobody helped you, and when it's done, the pastor gives Me all the thanks, and never mentions you once, could you handle it?

If you feel hurt, disappointed, unappreciated, used and start getting an attitude, you did not mean you wanted Me to get all the glory. You wanted at the very least, 20 % of the glory, for yourself. I hear people say so many times, I didn't even get a thank you, which is about 2% of the glory. How much of My glory did they want? They say out of one side of their mouth, "I give ALL the glory to God", yet out the other side, "no one gave me any of the glory, not even a thank you".

I am hard at work on your soul man, to remove this flaw of insecurity. As long as a believer seeks some of the glory, they are not complete in Me. Colossians 2:10 A kingdom person desires only to see My kingdom constructed on earth, as it is in heaven. They daily give their life for the purpose of the Kings glory. You only seek recognition because there is a void that needs to be filled in your life. When one does not realize their value, they seek recognition, to feel valuable and complete. This is an insecurity flaw that runs deep throughout the entire western church. There are thousands of self appointed pastors with this flaw. The title of pastor helps them feel complete. Those who insist on people using their title, have this glory seeking flaw. 

Many people come to Me with a worthless view of themselves and My Spirit works continually to show them their intrinsic value. You need to do nothing to have full value in the kingdom. I gave My life for you, My Father commended his love toward you, while you were yet a sinner, and I died for you." Romans 5:8 Doesn't that say it all? This flaw will disappear when you fall in love with Me as you spend more and more time each day with Me. When you realize how crazy I am about you, you will be happy and satisfied with no recognition and Me getting ALL THE GLORY!

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