Saturday, December 6, 2014



The one thing that I said had to happen before I could return, is no where close to happening. "The gospel of the kingdom must be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and only then shall the end come." Matthew 24:14 “They preach prosperity, they preach healing, they preach faith, they preach deliverance, they preach tongues, but nowhere do they preach the Kingdom of God.” Especially in America! They preach the cross in some nations, not in the west, but this is only the entrance to the kingdom. In a few nations they still preach against sin, which is good, but seldom if ever does anyone preach kingdom, yet this was the reason I came to earth. Remember I said, "I must preach the kingdom of God to other cities also: this is the reason I was sent to earth." Luke 4:43

My ministry was to introduce earth to My Father's kingdom and the way things are done there, so that His will would be done on earth, as it is in heaven! Luke 11:2
My Father wants the kingdom preached in every nation on earth, before He announces the day of My return. My bride must understand kingdom and kingdom authority before I can come for her! The church, My future bride on earth, still operates as a democracy, with people deciding who, what, and where, making the rules to their liking. Only when My Holy Spirit sets the church agenda will they begin to comprehend kingdom.

Most western church goers are wasting their time gathering at seeker friendly churches because, "in vain they do worship Me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men." Matthew 15:9 In the kingdom the opinion of man is not considered, only the king votes! My Fathers sons and daughters, My bride, are of the same mine as the king so obedience and flow are natural. When you are in alignment with perfection there are no other options needed. The kingdom must be preached in order to convert servants to sons and daughters. Angels are the kingdom servants, redeemed humans are to be sons and daughters of My Father.

So if you want to speed up My return, starting today and everyday for the rest of your life, by seeking first the kingdom of God, and My righteousness." Matthew 6:33 Study kingdom, talk kingdom, and live kingdom. My kingdom is clean, so live in a clean house, drive a clean car, keep your body, soul and spirit clean, clean up others messes! My kingdom gives, so give, give, give! Give away money, labor, words of kindness, acts of kindness, simply give love to everyone you encounter. If you say this is to hard, then you are not kingdom yet. "Study the kingdom to show yourself as the bride, approved by My Father, and a workman that does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the words of kingdom truth."  2 Timothy 2:15

The kingdom is not being preached, that's why kingdom is so foreign to the church, and therefore I cannot return! Start doing your part to bring Me back, from now on, eat, sleep and drink KINGDOM!

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