Saturday, April 2, 2011



I hear the prayers of My children and I answer them and then they complain when I do. Many have earnestly prayed," use me Lord", and then when I use them they complain, " I feel like I'm being used". You don't understand that I, as the head of the body, do not need anything. The godhead is completely self sufficient and eternally has been and eternally will be. Humans need help, not us.

We designed a temporary program to sustain fallen man during his brief stay on earth, called, the helps program. It runs on humility and love. Every human has this gift available to them, but when they become born again it is no longer a option because My love transforms it into a supernatural gift that naturally flows to meet needs in My body and in the world in general.

If the gift of helps does not naturally flow from you, then My love is not flowing from you. Everywhere I went on earth I did good for people. To shut up your bowels of compassion for people is a deliberate act of rebellion against My nature. When you sing and pray," Lord here I am, use Me", where do think I am going to use you? Outside the human race you are use...less. I have all the angels I need to care for those tasks. 

Whenever a need is presented to you, by anyone, consider it an answer to this prayer. When you pray, "Lord use me", and a little while later you over hear someone say," I have no way to the store", I am answering your prayer. Your overhearing was no accident, it was a divine appointment to answer your prayer. Most times, this is a phony religious prayer, in hopes of obtaining a place of carnal recognition, for some great revelation that wows the whole church.

Many people pray this prayer and are expecting a multiple choice answer. Desiring and expecting something they enjoy, in the mean time, they will pass by a 100 answers. In reality they are trying to use Me to get where they want to go. Carnal flesh forgets that I always look at the heart, so no one ever cons Me. I know your thoughts before you ever think them. The flesh has no chance with Me.

The truth is, very few want to be used by Me, they enjoy using, but resist being used, they want forgiveness, but resist forgiving, and they love to get, but fight giving. When you start to feel weary in well doing, instead of saying, "I feel like I am being used", say,"thank you Father for using Me". When I see that you are gladly faithful over a few things, then I will consider promoting you to many.

The next time someone asks you,"can you help me", say in you heart, "yes, of course Lord". I may ask you to change a tire today, or move some furniture, or drop off some groceries. I know you don't like to paint, but maybe I need a room painted. The next time I place a man or woman in line in front of you, who is short of money to pay their bill, I expect you to make up the difference, without prolonging their embarrassment or making them feel lesser.

You can forget about the teaching and preaching stuff, and you can prophesy until the cows come home, until you get this right, you are no more than a sounding brass and a tinkling symbol. When you get this perfected, you will be a teacher, and a preacher and a prophesier all in one, without opening your mouth.
 Listen for the answer to your prayer, "sir... ma'am... Could you help Me please" and rejoice that you are about to be used.

Isaiah 66:1-2 (AMP)
THUS SAYS the Lord: Heaven is My throne, and the earth is My footstool. What kind of house would you build for Me? And what kind can be My resting-place? [2] For all these things My hand has made, and so all these things have come into being by and for Me, says the Lord. But this is the man to whom I will look and have regard: he who is humble and of a broken or wounded spirit, and who trembles at My word and reveres My commands.

1 Corinthians 13:1-3 (KJV)
Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, and have not charity, I am become as sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal. [2] And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity, I am nothing. [3] And though I bestow all my goods to feed the poor , and though I give my body to be burned, and have not charity, it profiteth me nothing.

1 John 3:17-18 (AMP)
But if anyone has this world''s goods (resources for sustaining life) and sees his brother and fellow believer in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live and remain in him? [18] Little children, let us not love merely in theory or in speech but in deed and in truth (in practice and in sincerity).

Matthew 25:37-40 (AMP)
Then the just and upright will answer Him, Lord, when did we see You hungry and gave You food, or thirsty and gave You something to drink? [38] And when did we see You a stranger and welcomed and entertained You, or naked and clothed You? [39] And when did we see You sick or in prison and came to visit You? [40] And the King will reply to them, Truly I tell you, in so far as you did it for one of the least in the estimation of men of these My brethren, you did it for Me.

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