Friday, June 28, 2013



"If you say that you have no sin, you deceive yourselves, and the truth is not in you." 1 John 1:8 KJV And if you say that you have not sinned, you make him a liar, and My word is not in you." 1 John 1:10 KJV However if you confess your sins, I am faithful and just to forgive your sins, and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness." 1 John 1:9 KJV

Listen children, I write you these things so that you may not violate Fathers law and sin. But if anyone should sin, you have Me as an Advocate (One Who will intercede for you) with the Father--it is Me, Jesus Christ the all righteous, upright, and just one, who conforms to the Father's will in every purpose, thought, and action. [2] And I am the propitiation (the atoning sacrifice) for your sins, and not for yours alone but also for the sins of the whole world." 1 John 2:1-2 AMP 

For I want you to know that, "no temptation (no trial regarded as enticing to sin), no matter how it comes or where it leads, has overtaken you and laid hold on you that is not common to man that is, no temptation or trial has come to you that is beyond human resistance and that is not adjusted and adapted and belonging to human experience, and such as man can bear. But I am faithful to My Word and to My compassionate nature, and I can be trusted not to let you be tempted and tried and assayed beyond your ability and strength of resistance and power to endure, but with the temptation I will always also provide the way out (the means of escape to a landing place), that you may be capable and strong and powerful to bear up under it patiently." 1 Corinthians 10:13 AMP

Just in case the devil is accusing you and making you think you are an exceptionally bad person, you should know that it's not only you but "all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;" Romans 3:23 KJV He is a "thief and comes only in order to steal and kill and destroy you. I came that you may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." John 10:10 AMP  Until you realize you are a hopeless sinner, you can never be saved, "I will have mercy, and not sacrifice: for I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." Matthew 9:13 KJV 

Is you are having any problem with any sin, let Me repeat this story, so you will know how My Father responds to your attitudes; "Two men went up into the temple to pray; the one a Pharisee, and the other a publican. [11] The Pharisee stood and prayed thus with himself, God, I thank thee, that I am not as other men are , extortioners, unjust, adulterers, or even as this publican. [12] I fast twice in the week, I give tithes of all that I possess. [13] And the publican, standing afar off, would not lift up so much as his eyes unto heaven, but smote upon his breast, saying, God be merciful to me a sinner. [14] I tell you, this man went down to his house justified rather than the other: for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased; and he that humbleth himself shall be exalted." Luke 18:10-14 KJV

Now, I ask again do you have any sin? Become a publican!

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