Friday, June 21, 2013



The "CATCH AND RELEASE PROGRAM" is banned in the kingdom. Most fishermen are familiar with the catch and release program. You can catch as many fish as you want, of any kind, as long as you release them. I have called to you and said, Come after Me and be My disciples, and I will make you become fishers of men." Mark 1:17 (AMP) But I never said I had a catch and release program. Some preachers love to sport fish, enjoying the sport of soul winning, having multitudes of people come forward and make a profession. That's the easy, fun part, but they are not willing to do the dirty work of mentoring, they release them having no desire to do anything further with them. Oh a few here and there are kept, but the vast majority are released. 

After I caught men, I discipled them, "and with instructions which they heard from Me, they transmitted and entrusted as a deposit to reliable and faithful men who were competent and qualified to teach others also."  2 Timothy 2:2 (AMP) At the end of a year of fishing, count how many men that you caught, but only those that are now teaching others. This is how you can tell wether your labor is in vain or not. If you are not reproducing yourself in faithful men, and after one year they are not catching men, you are only a sport fishermen, and cannot be regarded a soul winner in the kingdom.

It doesn't take much to make a sinner feel worse about his sin, and entice him to say a prayer, especially when he is promised heaven, if he repeats thirty words or less. That's not soul winning, that's sport fishing, playing with the fish, catching them and releasing them, then taking an offering to pay for the fishing gear and moving to another fishing spot. When released, where does the manfish go? The sport fisherman has no idea, he doesn't even remember his name, only his number. All you hear is, "I had 182 come forward in my meeting last night." Yes they were biting like crazy, What are their names? Where do they live? Are you going to meet them today? If they don't know, they are a talented sport fisher of men, making the harder for the manfish to bite the next time. Some have been caught and released ten  times over, and counted ten times over and everybody rejoices except heaven.

I hear so much bragging of how many souls were saved! This is wrong, no one knows if a soul is saved except Me. "If they confess Me with the mouth as Lord, and believe in their heart that Father raised Me from the dead, they will be saved." Romans 10:9 (KJV) Yes you heard them confess, but you have no idea if anyone believes in their heart. Not even the person knows for sure. Only time will reveal if inner change has taken place or not. After a few days, is there inner conviction of sin taking place? Is there any desire for the sincere milk of the word? Is there any sign of peace? Any sign of a sprout of joy springing up from the seed? If not the seed did not germinate with belief in the heart. Don't count them out, but don't count them saved either. 

Five menfish who believe in their heart and are making disciples, are worth more than five thousand that only confess with the mouth, still on their way to hell. Kingdom fishers of men, only count their catch, when their catch is catching and mentoring others. This is the sure evidence that belief in the heart has taken place. These are the ones that swallowed hook, line, and sinker, and cannot be released.

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