Friday, December 21, 2012



There are two letters that are spelled with for and no one in the earth knows where it started, but these letters will keep people on the broad road to destruction right into eternity. OK also spelled okay is used billions of times a day, with no problem, but when it comes to the human spiritual condition, is become a deceptive deadly word, that lies to everyone including the one using it.

No one is ever ok, without My blood being applied to their souls. Now you "know that the Law is spiritual; and you are a creature of the flesh carnal, unspiritual, having been sold into slavery under the control of sin. [15] and do not understand your own actions, you are baffled, and bewildered. You do not practice or accomplish what you wish, but you do the very thing that you loathe, that which your moral instinct condemns." Romans 7:14-15 (AMP) Yet you go on day after day saying, "I'm OK, I'm Ok." You are lying through your teeth, because you are so lonely, empty and scared inside, that you need to be busy every waking moment to avoid being overwhelmed with these facts.

Shop til you drop, spend, buy, text, play video games, party, party, party, movies, TV, Internet, work, work, and more work, a few pills, to cheer you up, a few more to calm you down, a few drinks to calm you nerves, an occasional affair to build your ego! all the while thinking, I'm OK, I don't need a god, this is the 21st century, I'm OK. But the truth you are smack in the middle of the broad road. That's right, thats exactly what the middle of the broad road looks like!

Kingdom people are never OK! They are, a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, Father's own purchased, special people, that they may set forth the His wonderful deeds and display His virtues and perfections. He called them out of an OKAY darkness into My marvelous light." 1 Peter 2:9 (AMP) When I hear the words, I'm not OK, My heart thrills, because someone has stopped lying and will possibly seek the narrow road that leads to life. The main reason all liars will find their place in the lake of fire is, they lie to themselves, saying, I'm OK!

It's time to really live, and do it way more abundantly than the miserable, hell bent, OK people. The ultimate "thief comes every day to steal from the OK people, he kills and destroys OK people everyday. But I came that they may have and enjoy life, and have it in abundance (to the full, till it overflows)." John 10:10 (AMP) The moment anyone says, I'm really not OKAY, there is hope Today, when you ask someone, "how are your doing?" and they say, OK, look them in the eye, and ask slowly, "How are you REALLY doing?" They are waiting for someone to ask that question. Be ready to introduce Me, *** that is, if you are not OKAY?

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Best regards
Jim Hammerle

Sent from my iPad

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