Saturday, December 1, 2012


Do you feel like your family is going to hell in a hand-basket? When you are a spiritually strong man, fully armed, by your three courtyard guards, mind, will and emotion, your own dwelling, your family and belongings go undisturbed, your property is at peace and is secure. [22] But when one stronger than you, attacks you, and conquers you, he robs you of your whole armor, on which you had relied and divides up and distributes all your family and your goods as plunder (spoil). [23] If you are not with Me, siding and believing with Me, you are against Me, and if you do not gather with Me, and engage in My interest, you are scattering what I am putting together." Luke 11:21-23 (AMP)

Just for a moment, Let's stop with all religious fast talk, used to snow everyone, and reason with Me. If I pour one hundred cups of pure water into a pure container, I have a container of pure water. However if one cup is polluted, I can no longer say, the container has pure water, because it is all contaminated with the one polluted cup. Think now, what if fifty one of the hundred cups were polluted, would you even consider drinking it? It would be certain sickness or death. On a health scale the water in this container would register not only weak, but should be labeled, poison!

Now can we speak kingdom for a moment. Your mind is a container, it contains everything you see, hear, taste, touch, and smell. Let's refer to these things as data. There are only two types of data that exist, kingdom acceptable, that strengthens spiritually and kingdom unacceptable, that weakens spiritually. Kingdom unacceptable, is anything that causes a "person to be tempted and drawn away, enticed and baited by his own evil desire (lust, passions). [15] Then the evil desire, when it has conceived, gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is fully matured, brings forth death." James 1:14-15 (AMP)

Lets refer to unacceptable as ungodly, meaning anything that promotes sin and evil, which includes even some church people who are bitter, controlling, divisive, ambitious, or self-righteous. Ungodly, includes tools like, TV, web sites, movies, secular radio, news casts, books and magazines that do not promote, purity, holiness, goodness. Each of these things are cups of pollution, which are poured into your mental container every day. If fifty one cups are poured in every day, along with forty-nine pure cups, you could never stand against the strong evil man. On a kingdom health scale, you would actually be considered poison.

Let's really break it down real simple, now, don't take offense, I am not accusing you, I am trying to save you from the strong man that's about to kick down your door. If you watch a 30 minute show where they, joke about sin, make fun of purity, laugh at righteousness, and think the marriage of a man and man, is cute and normal. You just drank a large 30 minute cup of mental pollution. Now if you immediately go to your prayer closet and seek My face and pray in all sincerity and drink in My word for 30 minutes the pollution is diluted by 50 percent but far from drinkable.
Let Me ask you, "Does a fountain send forth simultaneously from the same opening, fresh water and bitter? [12] Can a fig tree, My child , bear olives, or a grapevine, figs? Neither can a salt spring, furnish fresh water." James 3:11-12 (AMP)

Now let's get really heavy for a moment, the strong man has left you a note: it say's, "I know where you live, I know who your kids are, and I know where they go to school. I am taking your family to hell in my very own hand basket! And you my little weakling, are not strong enough to stop me because you enjoy my polluted drinks! I am coming to your door!" Now if you think this is all nonsense, you are probably poisoned to badly to recover, but your family is dying, your friends are dying, your neighbor is dying, and you are not able to help them, because you are to weak from all the pollution. You think you are strong, when you tell your friend, he can kick the cocaine habit, while blowing smoke in his face, you can't even break the nicotine habit. Who are you kidding? It's the blind leading the blind!

Ok here the other side! The strong man is no match for the kingdom warrior, as a matter of fact you only need to be "subject to Me, by drinking no pollution, then you can resist the strong man, and stand firm against him, and he will flee from you." James 4:7 (AMP) Start right now, not tomorrow, to fill your container with, ONLY whatever things are true, ONLY whatever things are honest, ONLY whatever things are just, ONLY whatever things are pure, ONLY whatever things are lovely, ONLY whatever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think ONLY on these things." Philippians 4:8 (KJV)

If you are saying, "I just can't get rid of all these things, most likely you have too much poison in your system and you are addicted, I am very sorry, but this is that narrow gate I have been telling you about, you can make it but it won't be real easy. You are going to have to "Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will seek to enter in, and shall not be able." Luke 13:24 (KJV)

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Best regards
Jim Hammerle

Sent from my iPad

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