Friday, January 4, 2013



Near the center of My heart you will find the peace that everybody talks about but few seem to find. When you break through the self barrier, you enter a realm that few ever experience. My Farther's heart is a giving heart and any thoughts of self, will set up a road block on the path to the center of His heart. On this journey to the center of His heart, the change that takes place in your heart is admired by many, but never understood, because several ingredients happen all at once. First; the security of the kingdom is felt, causing a surge in your trust level. A sense of unlimited abundance overwhelms any fear of lack. This new sense seems irresponsible to those on the other side of the self barrier.

Suddenly the value of money and material goods disappears because you understand, they have no way of producing the security you are now experiencing. For the first time, My command to "stop being perpetually uneasy (anxious and worried) about your life, what you shall eat or what you shall drink; or about your body, what you shall put on, is really obeyed. Now you are answering My question, Is not life greater in quality than food, and the body far above and more excellent than clothing?" Matthew 6:25 (AMP) with a confident YES.

The value of children moves to the top of the list. The caring for the widow and orphan, the poor and downtrodden, and those who are in prison, begin to consume all your time. Without knowledge and without effort, you find yourself, "seeking first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; without even noticing or caring that all the necessities of life are being added unto you." Matthew 6:33 (KJV) Friends and relatives on the other side of the self barrier, commonly misunderstand you, and over and over you hear, "you need to think of yourself"! You will finally realize that, My heart security, can never be explained, it's only able to be experienced. The moment you experience it, it makes you a ... "stranger and pilgrim on the earth". [14] declaring plainly that you are seeking another country, My kingdom!" Hebrews 11:13-14 (KJV)

I can save you, but you, are the one that decides to break the self barrier. You cannot break it by sheer will power, you must determine to come after Me with all your heart, and find My heart. As you get closer to the center of My heart, you are "changed into My image, as you go from glory to glory, and it's all done by My Spirit." 2 Corinthians 3:18 (KJV)

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Best regards
Jim Hammerle
Sent from my iPad

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