Tuesday, January 8, 2013



There is a invisible line between spirit energy and soul energy. When oppression settles in over a area, because of extreme demonic activity, it effects everyone, believers and non believers alike. The heaviness is handled in different ways, but everyone is aware of its presence. ..."To show that you are the children of your Father Who is in heaven; I make My sun rise on the wicked and on the good, and make the rain fall upon the upright and the wrongdoers alike." Matthew 5:45 (AMP) What you do and how your respond, when everyone is in the same boat, is what displays My eternal life in you. Your response depends on your mental food. When you replace what the world feeds on, with kingdom food, your eternal life will thrive and overwhelm the oppression that takes everyone else down.

If you were clearly exempted from all evil forces, there would be no temptation in all points, to display My overcoming power. Please understand, I am not a High Priest Who is unable to understand and sympathize, and have a shared feeling with your weaknesses and infirmities and liability to the assaults of temptation, but One Who has been tempted in every respect as you are, yet without sinning." Hebrews 4:15 (AMP) But because you are born again, you have Me inside you, and Me being greater than the enemy in the world, and I overcome him for you, all the days of your Christian life. However this only works, if you stop trying to overcome him yourself by responding in the natural, and let Me respond through you. The problem lies in the mental food you are consuming. Feeding on the same music, television, movies, and news that the world feeds on, will cause you to respond the same way they do, naturally!

The more you try to overcome the weaker you get, until you are to tired and loose the will to go on. The flesh at its best is no match for a demon, remember you are not wrestling against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. Ephesians 6:12 (KJV) They laugh at you when you attempt to use My name when you living a fleshly lifestyle. Trust Me, they know when you are not close to Me, and I am not greater in you because you are sinning. They will repeat what they said to Sceva's boys; "Jesus I know, and Paul I know about, but who are you?[16] Then the man in whom the evil spirit dwelt leaped upon them, mastering two of them, and was so violent against them that they dashed out of that house in fear, stripped naked and wounded." Acts 19:15-16 (AMP)

Those of us in glory got a chuckle out of that. Most of you who are still sinning, are not foolish enough to attempt that, but all of you are experiencing extreme fatigue, in the natural. First of all today, stop feeding on all the worlds diet, because what I am about to show you will be foolish from the worlds view, and while eating their food, you can only see through their eyes! Here are the most popular things that will make you too tired to serve Me:
(1) Taking on extra things, that are spiritual, exciting, and
good, but not part of My purpose for you.
(2) Being yoked together with an unbeliever, while trying to
serve Me.
(3) Continuing in disobedience, while trying to serve Me.
(4) Satisfying your flesh, while trying to serve Me.
(5) Operating in Fear, while trying to serve Me.
(6) Harboring Unforgiveness, while trying to serve Me.
Now please listen, your fleshly attempt to serve Me, does not please Me, so STOP, before you totally fall asleep, and give up on Me. I want you to carefully go through this list, but don't do it on your own, do it while while waiting on Me, and watch what I show you. I will point out your problems clearly, and then it is as simple as giving in, and taking My yoke upon you, which you have already heard is easy and light to carry. Do it now, and I pray that you are not to tired to do it, if you are, please do not hinder anyone else while you backslide out of the kingdom.

Visit my blog to review all messages http://www.fromthethroneroom.blogspot.com/
Best regards
Jim Hammerle
Sent from my iPad

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