Thursday, March 14, 2013



Sinkholes are appearing more and more around the world because man has tampered with the underground for decades drilling, tapping, pumping and exploring. What they don't realize is, they have altered the direction of the planets underground water system. Water has been redirected to areas that are not designed to contain underground streams because the rock is too soft and wears away earths support system and the weight of the soil collapses the weakened bed rock. Thus everything on top of the effected soil, is suddenly without warning, swallowed by the earth itself.

Spiritual sinkholes are also occurring at an alarming rate. My Father personally handcrafted man with an inner built in support system called conscience, which supports his outer morality or his ability to discern right from wrong. This is a major attribute, distinguishing him from the beasts of the field. The conscience is delicate and must be protected by moral laws, which man in his sinful state can not obey. Thus the moral support system is worn away and soon gives heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils; [2] Speaking lies in hypocrisy; and his delicate conscience is seared as it were with with a hot iron;" 1 Timothy 4:1-2 (KJV)

Eventually man changes My laws to match this lower level sinkhole, they make it legal to murder babies in the womb, to have sexual orgies on camera and display it all over the world. They make it legal for men to marry men, and women to marry women. They artificially prop up their conscience by renaming sin, murder is called abortion, babies are called a fetus, reprobate is called gay, perverted is called a civil union, debauchery is called art and pornography.  

Man's inability to obey these laws can be overcome when a human is born again, because I become his inner man support system. "My Spirit of truth, comes to guide him back into all truth: for My Spirit does not speak of Himself; but whatever He hears My Father say, that is what He speaks: and He shows you things to come in your life." John 16:13 (KJV) 

However, sinkholes are still very much a danger, because the born again man still has the power of choice. If he chooses ignore My Spirit, he will quench and grieve My Spirit and enter into error. Thus disobedience allows the inner man to once again be worn away and sin begins to erode the conscience. A lying evil spirit, replaces My Spirit along with "seven other spirits more wicked than himself; and when they all enter in, and dwell there: the last state of that man is much worse than the first." Luke 11:26 (KJV) 

Believers by the thousands are disobeying My Spirit's leading and My word. They are secretly eroding their inner support system, by doing drugs, having affairs, or sex outside of marriage, and watching pornography. Their support system will soon give way and a giant sink hole will swallow them up. Sad to say many innocent family members will also be swallowed up, along with their ministries, businesses, and friends. Here is a kingdom principle: Nothing is concealed that will not be revealed, or kept secret that will not become known, if it is not repented of." Matthew 10:26 (AMP)

You can prevent a sinkhole from swallowing your spiritual house by filling it up with truth, and obeying every single word, by staying close to Me all day long! Remember the terrifying adjectives that accompany the word sinkhole, SUDDENLY, AND WITHOUT WARNING!!!!!! Today is the day of your salvation, do not put it off!

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