Sunday, March 31, 2013



DO YOU DREAD MONDAY AND LOVE FRIDAY? DO YOU HATE YOU'RE JOB? Maybe you are not gifted to do the thing you spend most of your life doing. What a dreadful life that would be! If you can't wait until Friday gets here each week, then you have not discovered your purpose! I have a plan and purpose for you on planet earth and it is not to take up space and breath My air. It's a plan to help bring My kingdom to earth. When you are in My purpose and working My plan, you are the happiest and most fulfilled person in your community and it shows in your attitude, body language, facial expressions, and your talk.

To help you accomplish My plan and fulfill My purpose for your existence I have dispersed gifts to every person in the kingdom. "There are gifts, extraordinary powers distinguishing each christian, due to the power of the Holy Spirit operating in them and they vary, but the Holy Spirit remains the same. [5] And there are a variety of services and administrations, but it is always Me who is served.

[6] And there is a great variety of operations all working to accomplish many things, but it is always Me who inspires and energizes them all. [7] Notice: To each one of you is given the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, that is the spiritual illumination of the Spirit, for good and for your spiritual profit, and never for evil. [8] For example; One of you may be given through the Holy Spirit of course, the power to speak a message of wisdom, and to some one else, the power to express a word of knowledge and understanding according to the same Holy Spirit; [9] To another wonder-working faith, to another the extraordinary powers of healing,

If you work in a third world country or where there is extreme poverty or starvation then you need [10] the working of miracles, and your co-worker the prophetic insight (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose); to give people hope to keep believing. If you work in law enforcement, a lawyer, and especially a judge, you need the discerning of spirits, that is, the ability to discern and distinguish between the utterances of true spirits and false ones. If you are among a lot of spiritual stiff-necks and doubters it would be wise to speak various kinds of unknown tongues, and be accompanied by others with the ability to interpret such tongues, because tongues is a sign th the unbeliever.

[11] All these gifts, achievements, and abilities, and there are a ton more, are inspired and brought to pass by one and the same Holy Spirit, Who apportions to each person individually exactly as He chooses. He does not waste these precious gifts on just anyone, but He gives them to those who [31] earnestly desire and zealously cultivate them. You need to ask Him for the best gifts." 1 Corinthians 12:4-11,31 (AMP)

Many people wonder what are the best spiritual gifts, but the answer is simple. The best spiritual gift, is the gift that's most needed in the persons environment. If you work in a hospital the best gift would be a gift of healing. If you council a lot of people the gift of knowledge. If you deal with addicts, the discerning of spirits is a must. If you handle money the gift of wisdom is needed. If you are meeting the public a lot, the gift of hospitality is needed. If you are running a company or overseeing a lot of people, make sure you have the gift of administration or some one by your side that does or you will be a frustrated leader going in all directions at once.

Hey! in the kingdom, there is no such thing as TGIF. Start enjoying all your days on earth, by getting alone with Me, to discover your purpose, then seek the place I have for you to work, and begin to use the gift I have given you. If you need more gifts ask Me, and I will send people with as many gifts as needed, to accomplish My purpose. Do not try to take all the gifts for your self and be a one man show, that's not how a body works. "The body is not one member, but many. [18] Because I set the members each one of them in the body, as it pleased Me." 1 Corinthians 12:14,18 (KJV)

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