Thursday, September 26, 2013



Every morning you wake up you choose a domain name for that day. You have a choice to allow your soul man to choose your domain and let life dictate your attitude, actions and outcome, or you can jump start your spirit man and let him choose your days domain name. Do you not know that if you continually surrender yourselves to anyone to do his will, you are the slaves of him whom you obey, whether it's your soul man, to be in sin, which leads to death, or your spirit man, to obey Me, which leads to righteousness (right doing and right standing with My Father)?" Romans 6:16 AMP

Your soul man operates by your five senses, but your spirit man operates by revelation. In the morning your soul man is the first to grab hold of your mind, making you aware of your surroundings, then what day it is, and what time it is. Right at this point you must stop your soul man, because the next thing he is going to do is bring to mind the events of the day. Your soul man, is your flesh and it will begin to plan your day, and did you know that nothing good dwells within you, that is, in your flesh. You can, will what is right, but you cannot perform it. You have every intention and urge to do what is right, but no power to carry it out." Romans 7:18 AMP

You already know that My word is spiritual; but you are a creature of carnal flesh, unspiritual, having been sold into slavery under the control of sin. [15] For you do not understand your own actions and are baffled, bewildered by them. You do not practice or accomplish what you wish, but you end up doing the very thing that you loathe which your moral instinct condemns." Romans 7:14-15, AMP At the end of the day you feel wretched, because you let you flesh change your domain name to DEFEAT.COM instead of VICTORY.COM

So here's the simple solution, every morning jump start your spirit man, by praising Me out loud, then allow your spirit man, to speak to Me in whatever tongue he chooses, whether it be in the tongues of men or angels, it does not matter, I understand them all. Your spirit man will then begin to supernaturally arrange your day and as you keep him in mind all day, your daily domain name will be VICTORY.COM   

Some of you may not know how to let your spirit speak in another language, but read the first two chapters of the Acts of the Apostles. The whole reason for your spirit man doing the praying is, the Holy Spirit comes to your aid and bears you up in your weakness; for you do not know what prayer to pray, so the Spirit Himself prays to meet your specific schedule  and pleads in your behalf with unspeakable yearnings and sometimes even groanings too deep for utterance." Romans 8:26 AMP

Who will you let choose your domain name from now on?

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