Wednesday, September 18, 2013



The panic of panics that sets in, when a parent turns a round in a crowd to reach for their child's hand and they're not there. With the heart suddenly racing screaming out the child's name. TAMMY, TAMMY, T-A-M-M-Y, they run madly in circles, pushing and shoving, as tears start to well up, OH God, Oh God, No No No HELP ME!! Were's my little girl? The reality does not hit for days, or weeks and sometimes years, that they have been abducted. 

I remember the moment I felt that pain and all of heaven morned the loss of My first child, Adam, I remember the pain when I came into the garden and called to Adam, and said to him, Where are you?" Genesis 3:9 AMP When I discovered him, he was found spiritually dead! Just as you warn your child, hold daddy's hand, and don't let go! I was very careful to warn My son, don't eat of the poison tree, of the knowledge of good and evil! I was careful to warn him, Adam, "Adam never, never eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and blessing and calamity, for in the day that you eat of it, you shall surely die." Genesis 2:17 AMP But he did it, and My son died on that horrible day!
The tragic thing was I lost two sons, I lost My only created son Adam, and My only begotten Son Jesus. The loss of My second son was no surprise, I knew that He would be "slain in sacrifice from the foundation of the world." Revelation 13:8 AMP The pain was greater than it was when Adam died, the moment I heard My Son Jesus cry with a loud voice, saying, Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani? that is to say, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me?" Matthew 27:46 KJV For all eternity we had never been separated, and to hear those words, all of heaven felt the shock and on earth "from the sixth hour there was darkness over all the land unto the ninth hour." Matthew 27:45 KJV

Yes I know the pain of a missing child, and a million times over, because many of you that have once held My hand tightly, have let go and are no longer in My presence. Please understand, that I love you just as much as I love them. I feel even greater pain than a human parent over My missing children. From a parent perspective, If you, being evil, love and know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more do I, your Father which is in heaven, love and give good things to My children, that ask Me?" Matthew 7:11 KJV 
Just like a human parent, I will never stop calling out to you, WHERE ARE YOU, PLEASE COME BACK, and hold My hand again, and stay in My presence forever! You are My son, My daughter and you belong here in My lap!

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