Thursday, January 23, 2014



Kingdom titles are much different than those used in the religions of earth. Carnal christians and religious leaders took heavens gifts and made positions out of them. These positions ignored the gifts and thus required a title in order to be recognized. This resulted in tens of thousands going to college and university to earn the titles of Pastor, teacher, apostle, prophet and evangelist. In heaven they became meaningless religious titles that make people feel like they have accomplished something on earth and think they have a place of authority in heaven. 

However when I sent them to earth they were simply gifts placed in specifically chosen faithful, humble people. These gifts are special kingdom attributes designed to meet every area of the new born believer. Listen, I gave My church some, apostles; and some, prophets; and some evangelists; and some, pastors and teachers; [12] And this was not so a few insecure people could have a plaque on the wall, but they are actually My human tools possessing gifts to be used for the perfecting of the saints, for the work of the ministry, and for the edifying of My body:"Ephesians4:11-12 KJV

The title holders have forced most of these five gifts to work behind the scenes and they will never be called by these titles. In a group of 200 I will have as many as 10 pastors to mature the other 190.  By not recognizing this fact a few title people are running ragged and their yoke is not easy, and their burden is no longer light like mine. Many of My apostles have been held back and told they are not qualified according to religious educational standards. This has resulted in entire regions having a dead church on every corner, while becoming godless, and walking in darkness. My prophets are muzzled because they refuse to be politically correct, thus much of the church is sin ridden. They are forbidden to call sin, sin, and holiness is now an offensive word.

The word pastor is no longer definable, anyone who can stand and speak about the bible, is titled a pastor, whether they speak the truth or not. If they can get a following they have won the title of pastor. Pastor is the easiest and cheapest title to earn and no longer has any real meaning. However the gift of pastor is life changing and is easily recognizable. My children are hungry and will seek out those that feed them. Look for those that the sheep go to for spiritual advice and nourishment and you will find My pastor gifts. 

You will recognize a title holder by their insistence on you using their title but "whoever shall exalt himself shall be abased; and he that shall humble himself shall be exalted." Matthew 23:12 KJV  People will give you a title by how you effect them and that is honored in heaven because they are recognizing the Gift you are, but if you are insisting on being addressed by a title, you have pride, but you are not the gift. All believers have an order to give honor to whom honor is due, but honor is not shown by the use of a title, but by the heeding of the word that the person speaks. This is why I said, "Why do you call Me, Lord, Lord, and do not practice what I tell you"? Luke 6:46 AMP Honor is shown by obedience, not titles.

You can rest assured that before it's over "I will scatter the proud in the imagination of their hearts. [52] I will put down the mighty from their seats, and exalt them of low degree. [53] I will fill the hungry with good things; and the rich I will send away empty handed." Luke 1:51-53 KJV Titles are important in the kingdom, but there are only two kingdom titles, servant, and friend and only the one position of son. 
 "At first I call you servants, but later I do not call you servants; for the servant does not know what his lord is doing: I call you friends; for all things that I have heard of My Father, I have made known unto you." [14] You earn My friend title, if you do what ever I command you, in your servant title. John 15:14-15 

You earn the first two, but the position of sonship is a gift that is bestowed on you, because of My blood. It is required for everyone to earn the servant title and it is from there, that I pick My friends. The title of servant must be held from the cradle to the grave. Anyone who discards this title, is not fit to minister and will be resisted by Me for their pride, because everyday "I resist the proud, but give a lot of grace unto the humble servant." James 4:6 KJV 

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