Tuesday, July 9, 2013



If you did the things I commanded there would be very little time for meetings. Never in world history has so much time and money been spent on big high tech christian events, and for what? What a waste! This is what I commanded and this is how simple true christianity is: When I am hungry, just give Me meat: when I am thirsty, just give Me a drink: when I am a stranger in town, just take Me in: [36] when you see Me Naked, please give Me some clothes: and when I am sick, please visit Me: and when they arrest Me and put Me in prison, come and visit Me. Matthew 25:35-36 KJV

This is all I want you to do; so why all the big Christian shows, and meetings? I never asked for all that! All you need is a supply of food and drink, some clothes and a way to get around. If you do these simple things, then when I "gather all nations: and I separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats: [33] And I shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the goats on the left. [34] Then shall the I say unto them on My right hand, Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:" Matthew 25:32-34 KJV

It's Ok if you want to play and have fun at these electronic meetings, and enjoy big name singers and speakers. You can get all excited with loudspeakers, and electronic music, lights and sound and dancing, and you can even use My name, that's fine, but that don't put you on the right hand side! If I am hungry and you give Me no food, and I am thirsty and you give Me nothing to drink, [43] or you see me as a stranger in town, and you do not welcome Me and entertain Me, and when I am naked and you do not clothe Me, and when I am sick and in prison and you do not visit Me with help and ministering care, you are headed the wrong direction. Sorry friend but you will be on the left side and [41] I will say to those at My left hand, Begone from Me, you cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels!" Matthew 25:41-43 AMP

Why is food and clothes that important? Try going without them for a few months! Try sitting in a prison cell a few years, or laying in a hospital bed all alone! Thousands of those I love, are in these conditions, while big costly christian meetings sap the energy and resources! Do not rejoice when others are weeping! Relieve their suffering first then "Rejoice with those who rejoice sharing their joy, and also continue to weep with those who weep, sharing their grief." Romans 12:15 AMP Do you really need another conference, that never mentions on how to feed and clothe and visit. "If you go to a meeting, a conference, or a worship seminar, every day of your life, and gain all knowledge, but do not have My love in you, you are nothing (a useless nobody)." 1 Corinthians 13:2 AMP 

Going to meetings does not necessarily mean you love Me, it means you love to go to meetings. "If ye really love me, just keep my commandments." John 14:15 KJV Examine yourself, after all your meeting life, are you obeying My commandments, by feeding the hungry, clothing the naked, giving drink to the thirsty, and visiting. If not, all your special meetings were a waste, because you end up on the left! 

Now listen carefully! I am not saying, that you should not assemble together and worship Me and grow in the unity of faith. But I am speaking of your Hollywood style worship of a big name, or group, with autographs, where you hear more of their name than mine. Buying and selling tickets, travel packages, high priced adds and all in the name of flesh. It is an abomination to spend $10,000 on a special speaker, and then say we cannot afford to buy food for our hungry neighbors, here and abroad.

All I am saying is, when all the meetings are over, "I will present Myself as King and say to everyone who ever lived, Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have done it unto me". Matthew 25:40 KJV

Listen meetings held in My name are wonderful and I am there in the midst of them, but are you obeying what I said, to assure that you on the right? All I can say is, It is wrong to spend more money on another meeting, than on food and clothes for the least of these, when you know it's Me in disguise. 

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