Friday, July 12, 2013



Demons have been assigned to you, with orders to haunt, harass, confuse, temp, distract, and continually mess with your mind. Demons by themselves are not a severe threat because the will of man is strong, but evil spirits are like flies, they gather where the food is. Any sign of demonic food attracts demons when the will of man starts breaking down. Anger is very attractive demon food. That's why I said, "Be angry, and sin not: let not the sun go down upon your wrath: [27] Neither give any place to the devil." Ephesians 4:26-27 KJV Anger is a necessary emotion but must be carefully channeled and kept in check by My Holy Spirit. It must stop before you fall asleep, because while in your sleep mode, you no longer have the will power to channel it.

Demons assigned to you, do not sleep and they seize the opportunity to turn the anger toward people and away from an act. Anger suddenly evolves into hatred of the actors instead of the act. When you wake up you are unaware of what happened during the night. During your sleep, your will was breached and without your permission or knowledge a demon doorway was established. Suddenly you cannot separate the sin from the sinner, and love for the sinner has switched to judgment. For example, you no longer pray for your president, but secretly want him to burn in hell, along with all his cronies. Please understand they are not your friends, "for they will turn you over to councils, and you will be beaten in the in the name of religion, and you will stand before supreme court judges and even presidents for My sake, but always remember you are to be a testimony to them." Mark 13:9 AMP

The assignment of demons is to turn your heart from love to hate. Talks show hosts may speak truth, but without 

My love, they open doors for spirits of hate and murder to enter your thought process. Pay attention to the language of believers, there is no love language left. It's all about the evil of the rulers, and name calling. Demons have filled their hearts with bitterness, and some want only revenge, not the salvation of government leaders. You are so far from "blessing them which persecute you: I said, bless, and curse not." Romans 12:14 KJV 

You hate the abortionist now, more than abortion, you hate the rapist more than rape, the intruder more than the intrusion, and the demons now rule your heart. Face the truth, when one of these people are killed, you actually think to yourself, good! got rid of another #&@$#*. You once prayed for their salvation, now you are cheering, that they are in hell! Hey remember this: "He who does not love has not become acquainted with Me and does not and never did know Me, for I am love." 1 John 4:8 AMP

You say, you want revival? Yet you rejoice when your enemy goes to hell? What's wrong with this picture, are you reading the Koran? Revival will never happen as long as you want vengeance, remember "avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, leave them to Me." Romans 12:19 KJV You will never win a Moslem while hating him! There is never a danger of loving to much. So better to never to be angry than loose control of it, and end up in hell beside the one you hated. Look at yourself, right now you are looking for a way to justify your bitterness against those who are despitefully using you. You need to come back to Me "and pray for them which despitefully use you." Luke 6:28 KJV

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