Friday, August 16, 2013



Prayer 1
Lord be with me today! Why would you pray this? I already told you "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Matthew 28:20 KJV Don't you believe Me?

Prayer 2
Lord draw me closer to you. How can I get closer if I am already inside you. I told you that "greater am I in you, than he that is in the world." 1 John 4:4 KJV Didn't you know I was in you?

Prayer 3
Let your glory fill this place. No that's backward, you are to let My glory fill your place. I told you, "where two or three of you are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of you."  Matthew 18:20 KJV

Prayer 4
Lord show them your love, no that's your job, I told you "By this shall all men know that you are My disciples, if you love one another and if you keep on showing love among yourselves." John 13:35 AMP I have already demonstrated ultimate love because "No one has greater love, no one has shown stronger affection, than to lay down (give up) his own life for his friends." John 15:13 AMP Did you misunderstand how spiritual life works?

Prayer 5
Lord use Me! I am so tired of that prayer! I don't use people, I love them! If you would just obey Me, and nothing more, that's all I ask of you. Start by loving your enemies, and doing good, and lending, hoping for nothing again; and just for that your reward shall be great, and you shall be the children of the Highest: for I am kind to the unthankful and to the evil." Luke 6:35 KJV

It is very important to pray prayers that have not already been answered, because it gives the appearance, that I do not answer you. If you pray for something you already have nothing changes and prayers get boring.  If you have been praying these prayers, you do not know who you are or what power you already have. You have basically been taking up space, with no knowledge of your real purpose. This adds up to being a real drag. Now here is where things can get exciting, when you will take what I have already given you, and make it work for the kingdom, your life will change overnight. 

No more repetitious asking for something you already have, but instead use what you have, to perform miracles, and bring life to a valley of dry bones. When you go about your daily routine, it will no longer be routine. I will be able to put people in your path and you will answer their prayers. Yes! You heard Me right. They pray to Me and I give them you, and as I use you, you become the answer to their prayer. Remember, they're spiritual eyes cannot see Me yet, so you must represent Me, and go to them in My stead. If I am (1) with you already and (2) in you already, and (3) you have let My glory fill your place, (4) you will be able to show them My love and you will find out that, love never fails! 

Most of the people you will meet today, have no idea that I love them, and you have been praying that I would show them My love. Stop praying that prayer, and you go show them My love! Today you will be the answer to someone's prayer and you can stop with the Lord use Me!

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