Wednesday, February 6, 2013



When you know what revival is, you will never search for it, because true revival is never in a place, but it's a change of eyesight, that comes through spiritual osmosis, as you wait in My presence. When everyone thinks I am finished with a person, you will see that's the person I will do a new thing with. When everyone is sure revival has begun in a place, it at best, will only be a move of My Spirit and eventually return to business as usual. "If anyone says to you, See, here is the Christ (revival is here)! or, Look, there He is! do not believe it." Mark 13:21 (AMP)

It's not because I wish to play games, but because I am not there, because the focus is on the wrong thing. When you focus on the excitement of spiritual activity, you replace Me with spiritual euphoria, and a party atmosphere, which is exciting and fun, but never life changing. It's the same as a child at Christmas, taken up with the gifts, the lights, a fat man dressed in red and but totaling ignoring the parents, without which non of it would have happened.

Revival when one person begins to see life as I see it. When you see every situation and person through My eyes and know why things are, the way they are. At this point, you will understand why I have not destroyed them. Suddenly your mere toleration of them, changes to My burning compassion for them, and you will begin to weep over their situation and work diligently to restore them. Your cool attitude toward them, suddenly turns to hot tears, of intercession.

When you view them with natural eyes, you start to inwardly judge them, wrapping them tighter in chains of condemnation and as your kingdom eyesight dims, and your natural carnal eyes refocus on the mote in their eye. Your personal revival ends and you dry up and eventually become chaff, easily being blown away.

Revival is not made up of large crowds, but of a single person that sees the world through kingdom eyes. A single person who has My heart, and touches the things I touch, and walks where I walk. "This is the covenant that I will make with that person: I will imprint My laws upon his mind, even upon his innermost thoughts and understanding, and engrave them upon his heart; and I will be his God, and he shall be My very own revival fire." Hebrews 8:10 (AMP)

When I have just one such person, walking in My knowledge, "so that he is in Me, in every respect, and enriched, in My full power, with readiness of speech, to speak of My faith and complete knowledge and kingdom illumination, able to give full insight into its meaning,"
1 Corinthians 1:5 (AMP) then You have a revival in your midst.

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Best regards
Jim Hammerle
Sent from my iPad

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