Friday, February 22, 2013



Your pastor is a man like everyone else, yet has the kingdom assignment to oversee a group of people that are in various stages of spiritual maturity. It's his assignment to bring the immature to maturity, so they can in turn, lead the immature to maturity. Even if he were perfect, at times he will rub people the wrong way. The challenge he has, is when the immature under his charge, are going the wrong way, the fur will always be rubbed the wrong way, just for the fact, they are going in the opposite direction.

Zeal is a must to take over enemy territory, but zeal is very explosive and must be perfectly channeled or it explode in all directions, and kill the innocent. I love the fact that young warriors "have a certain zeal and enthusiasm for Me, but it is not enlightened and according to correct and vital knowledge. [3] They are ignorant of the righteous protocol that I ascribe, which makes one acceptable to Me in word, thought, and deed and so they end up seeking to establish a righteousness (a means of salvation) of their own. Therefore they do not obey or submit themselves to My righteous authority." Romans 10:2-3 (AMP)

Listen I know you have a great hunger after Me, but there is a kingdom protocol that is designed to keep your gifts, zeal, and calling all in balance. The enemy is afraid of your zeal and total commitment to Me, and My power working in you. When he realizes he cannot stop you, he will let you rush in, where angels fear to tread, and soon you will be alone, deep in enemy territory. Demonic forces by the thousands will pounce on you and you may be able to handle a thousand by yourself, but never ten thousand. You need at least two for that.

Every spiritual warrior in training, at one time or another, hates what I am about to say, but everyone that disobeys it, self destructs. Are you ready for this? "Obey your spiritual leaders and submit to them continually, recognizing their authority over you, for they are constantly keeping watch over your souls and guarding your spiritual welfare, channeling your zeal, as men who will have to render an account of their trust. Do your part to let them do this with gladness and not with sighing and groaning, for that will not be profitable to you." Hebrews 13:17 (AMP)

When you have served in My army for fifty plus years you will be convinced that THE KNOW IT ALL, KNOWS NOTHING. "A self-confident fool has no delight in understanding, he is interested in only revealing his personal opinions and himself. He willfully separates and estranges himself from Me and man and seeks his own desire and eventually breaks out against all wise and sound judgment." Proverbs 18:1-2 (AMP)

HOW ARE THE MIGHTY FALLEN? PRIDE on top of PRIDE. If your pastor is wrong let Me deal with him, and it may be necessary that I take him out for a season. As far as your concerned, you are a warrior in training, and always under orders, always under authority. No soldier can fight a war by himself. The battle is for your sake, I have already won the war. Pride started the war in the beginning, and the war will be over when "at the name of Jesus every knee bows, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, [11] And every tongue frankly and openly confesses and acknowledges that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of My Father." Philippians 2:10-11 (AMP)

This whole submission thing, is designed to knock the pride out of you, before that day, so do not fight it! "Submit yourselves unto the elder. Yea, all of you be subject one to another, and be clothed with humility: for My Father resists the proud, and gives grace to the humble. [6] Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of My Father, that he may exalt you in due time:" 1 Peter 5:5-6 (KJV) The highest calling in the kingdom is the rank of HUMBLE WARRIOR! Pride started it, but humility will finish it!

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