Saturday, November 24, 2012



Now don't answer the typical, "everything", because everything means nothing to 
most people. You can talk  until you are blue in the face trying to share what 
God means to you, but words cannot convey your feelings toward an invisible 
being. You say that you love me with ALL your heart. So what's that mean? If I 
am your God, that means you literally worship Me. Oh, I am not talking about a 
half hour of singing, once a week, with your hands in the air. I am talking 
about worship, where all you think about is Me, and being with Me. When some one 
says, money is their god, you automatically know, that all they do, is think 
about money, how to get more, and keep it all.

Speaking of someones god in a single short sentence, can completely sum up the 
person. For example, "their god is drugs" you know they are a drug addict. "Her 
god is the bottle", you know she is an alcoholic. "His god is sex", you know he 
is perverted and you run to keep your daughters away from him. "His god is the 
TV", thats all that needs to be said, and you know, all he does is watch TV. Now 
how do people describe you and your god. When they sum you up, am I part of the 
short sentence. Compared to the other people and their commitment to their gods, 
how do you compare your commitment to your God?

Do people say you are addicted to Me, like the one with the TV god, all you do 
is watch Me day and night. Do they call you a fanatic, crazy, and that your so 
addicted, that in every conversation some how you bring My name up. Beloved, 
what I am really describing is one, who "loves the Lord his God with ALL his 
heart, and with ALL his soul, and with ALL his mind (intellect). [38] By the 
way, this is not optional, but it's the great (most important, principal) and 
first commandment." Matthew 22:37-38 (AMP)

You say, I'm your all in all, I'm your everything, the love of your life, your 
master, your lord, your king, you have surrendered all to Me, all you have is 
mine! really? Do you actually mean it? How about your time, I would like just 5 
hours, that's all just 5 hours of every day, alone with you. Break it up, give 
me three at night and two in the morning. That's not much to ask, if all your 
time is mine, as you say. I am leaving you with 19 hours, which is no where near 
fanatic stage, but it's a place to start. Those men and women, that you read 
about and testify about, that shook continents, raised the dead, and closed down 
bars and brothels spent 12 and 15 hours a day in prayer, now they were fanatics.

Listen, I'm sorry but, what you are praying for, and what your willing to pay 
for, just don't match up. You ask Me for a Rolls Royce, and don't have enough to 
buy a bicycle. You want faith to move mountains, yet you will spend 3 hours 
loving a football game and spend 30 minutes trying to love Me, while driving to 
work. Now really, be honest, who is this persons God? Suppose you spend three 
hours a day having fun with a woman who is not your wife, and 30 minutes a day 
talking to your wife in the car on the way to work; need I say more?  It is 
amazing how many of the "all my heart" believers, give Me only a hour a day". 
Did you ever wonder what a lukewarm believer gives Me? I am not being mean, I am 
trying to save you from hell! Let's be real honest, "you are drawing near Me 
with your mouths and honoring Me with their lips, but your hearts are holding 
off and are far away from Me." Matthew 15:8 (AMP)
Do you have any idea what it takes to know Me? If you think muttering something 
under your breath, while you are driving to work is being intimate, you are a 
very confused person. By their own confession the vast majority of western 
people say, they never heard My voice, and go so far as to say they doubt God 
even talks to people. Let Me make this perfectly clear, "the sheep that are My 
own, hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me. 
[28] And I give them eternal life, and they shall never lose it or perish 
throughout the ages. To all eternity they shall never by any means be destroyed. 
And no one is able to snatch them out of My hand." John 10:27-28 (AMP)

If anyone says, they don't even know My voice, it's a sure sign I will say,  "I 
will say to them openly (publicly), I never knew you; depart from Me, you who 
act wickedly disregarding My commands." Matthew 7:23 (AMP) Listen if the 
millions that call themselves born again Christians, truly were, there would not 
be a orphan on the planet without a home, nor a child going to bed hungry. 
Instead you have millions of babies being chopped into pieces, in every city in  
your nation, and it's business as usual, like nothing is happening with the 
church goers.

Face it! Not one in a thousand western believer homes, will have a prayer room, 
but 900 out of a thousand will have a big flat screen as a focal point, and some 
have one in every room. Do you understand why I am not healing your land? What 
do I really mean to you? 5 hours that all I ask! Answer Me, please, but I am no 
longer listening to your words, because "you are my everything, means nothing" 
until I know you. 

This word is meant to make people feel really bad, so bad, that they will 
discover what a joy it is to really make me their God! I truly want to know you! 
I do not want to say, 
... "How often I have desired and yearned to gather you around Me, as a hen 
gathers her young under her wings, but you would not! [35] now your house is 
forsaken (abandoned, left to you destitute of My help)! ... Luke 13:34-35 (AMP) 
Please don't make me say that!!!

Visit my blog to review all messages 
Best regards
Jim Hammerle
Sent from my iPad

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