Monday, September 17, 2012



The most powerful, joyful, exciting, and even long range plans can be shot down with a single arrow of resentment. When you ever feel the warmth of unity drain out of you, and the cold hardness enter, as a spirit of resentment pierced your soul, run to Me for a new fresh increase of love and trow off the coldness. Because "A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump." Galatians 5:9 (KJV) The resentment poison will spread like wild fire, effecting the body, soul and spirit. Not only does it stay in one body but it quickly spreads as others pick up an offense, and My kingdom work is brought to a standstill, in their lives.

The first sign of resentment is withdrawal, as resentment is non confrontational. Resentment is very hard to admit, because it a childish response to a negative act and is embarrassing to admit. The usual reaction is a quiet inner pouting and avoiding contact. However the serious danger is it cannot be controlled or channeled. It is a joy and anointing thief. Joy and resentment cannot stay in the same body or even the same room. The anointing is soon replaced by a personal vendetta to even the score in some way.

It is a spiritual cancer that cannot be allowed to linger or the death of your vision will rapidly occur. ... "Do you not know that just a little leaven will ferment the whole lump of dough? [7] Purge (clean out) the old leaven (any resentment) that you may be fresh (new) dough, still uncontaminated as you are, for Christ, our Passover Lamb, has been sacrificed. [8] Therefore, let us keep the feast, not (hiding resentment) with old leaven, nor with leaven of vice and malice and wickedness, (which resentment will lead to) but with the unleavened bread of (forgiveness) purity (nobility, honor) and sincerity and unadulterated truth." 1 Corinthians 5:6-8 (AMP)

Pride is the shield the hides the cancer until it reached later stages, some times even after death has occurred pride will deny that the anointing is gone out of a life and bitterness has taken it's place. Because of resentment you cannot holding fast to faith (that leaning of the entire human personality on God in absolute trust and confidence) and having a good (clear) conscience. By rejecting and thrusting from them their conscience, some individuals have made shipwreck of their faith." 1 Timothy 1:19 (AMP)

Thousands of kingdom missions, already in progress, involving thousands of hours of preparation of both of angels and men, have been suddenly scrapped and cancelled, because a fiery dart of resentment lodged in the heart of a kingdom soldier. Anyone harboring resentment of any kind is automatically disqualified, until the dart is removed by confession and repentance.

Many have died on the spiritual battlefield hiding their resentment behind a shield of pride and insisting on going to war. The shield is quickly penetrated by enemy darts causing the exposed resentment to explode into bitterness and even hatred. The explosion many times takes out the innocent The comrades are left to pick up the pieces, and regroup and continue the mission. If you resent anything at all, consider it worse than forth stage cancer and repent, make it right NOW. Tomorrow may be to late.

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Best regards
Jim Hammerle

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