Saturday, September 29, 2012



I really don't have enemies because an enemy must in some way pose a threat to you. No one is able to threaten the one who holds all life in his hand. If I stop the heart of a human or lock a spirit in chains, sending it to the abyss, I only have to think it and it is done. I love to confuse those who rise up against Me! Behold, they belch out insults with their mouths; swords of sarcasm, ridicule, slander, and lies are in their lips, for who, they think, hears us? [8] But I laugh at them in scorn; I hold all the nations in derision and enjoy confusing them" Psalm 59:7-8 (AMP)

Remember big tough Saul, the one who made all the worlds Christians tremble when he was coming to town? I decided to confuse everyone, so in about 2 minutes, I had him "Trembling and astonished and he pleaded, Lord, what do You desire me to do? The I said to him, arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do." Acts 9:6 (AMP) After that 2 minute encounter he became My greatest worker.

The best way to dispose of your enemies is to make them your friends by turning them over to Me. The kingdom way never makes sense to the natural mind and everything in the kingdom sounds totally ridiculous and backwards. "You have heard that it was said, An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth. [39] But I say to you, Do not resist the evil man who injures you; but if anyone strikes you on the right jaw or cheek, turn to him the other one too". Matthew 5:38-39 (AMP)

When you understand the immoral fiber built into every enemy attacks you will get a glimpse of why the Kingdom responses are opposite worldly reactions. In the world, for every action there is a reaction, to the action. In the kingdom when a negative action comes against it, a response comes from Me, residing in your spirit man, instead of from you in your flesh. If a hateful reaction comes from a believer it means one of two things, either I am not in you, or you are a carnal believer that I have no intimacy with. Many new believers are shocked at their new response to common attacks.

The surprise comes when they realize the new Kingdom response is not planned or precipitated by them. All Kingdom responses are precipitated by Me, because My purpose lies in destroying the immoral fiber, of the enemies plot to bring you down. What you don't understand is hatred is suppose to beget hatred. The enemy knows this to be one of the laws of sin, that has worked from the time of Abel. A Love response, spoils every single plot of the enemy and confounds those who he uses.

Hate is designed to destroy you from within, not the attackers hate from without, but your own reacting hate, coming from your flesh. REaction, (Re) stands for a repeated action. When you react you repeat the action of your attacker and you become a disciple of the enemy, by adopting the same principles and methods of your attacker. He becomes your new master, filling you with resentment and bitterness and you become consumed with thoughts of revenge. At this point you are no longer kingdom material and have become a traitor by trading sides. This is the method used to start generational family feuds and ethnic wars.

In the kingdom every warrior is taught that you "Do not let yourself be overcome by evil, but overcome (master) evil with good." Romans 12:21 (AMP) Even when you are dying for My sake, you are winning because it's the enemies goal to make you hate before you die, but if you die loving, you win a big victory for the kingdom. Some of you are so wrapped up it your sinful natural life, that you don't see what spirit life is about. Do you have the foggiest idea what is meant by, "O death, where is your victory? O death, where is your sting?" It's me poking fun at satan, because a believer gave up his physical life by not REacting, but allowing Me to respond to an enemy attack.

I am basically saying, Ha ha you lost satan. In the western culture very few battles are won for the kingdom. Every time you western mindset people, react to an enemy attack, he says to Me, ha ha Jesus you lost! This rarely happens in the east, they look forward to giving their life for the kingdom's sake. You should understand that "the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto you which are saved it is the power of God." 1 Corinthians 1:18 (KJV) Kingdom people do not fear death, they fear Reacting!!
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Best regards
Jim Hammerle

Sent from my iPad

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