Thursday, February 13, 2014



Can you still hear the words of your parents, Look at this mess, your room is a mess, clean it up! With few exceptions the first tension between you and your first authority was over disorder. Disorder of your belongings, your lifestyle, your manners, your habits, your work ethics, or your dress. 
All humans are prone to move toward disorder because they are born in sin and the author of sin is also the author of confusion, "I am the author of peace and order." 1 Corinthians 14:33 AMP Disorder came with the package when you were born. Even today, look at your desk, your garage, your car, and maybe still your room! Some times it takes weeks to get up enough determination, to clean up your mess, usually lasting two or three days, before entering disorder again.

However this is all outer man disorder and has little to do with eternal things. Now your inner man is a different story, it has everything to do with your eternity. It too was born prone to disorder, as it also was born in sin. Because of mans sinful nature, your mind, will and emotions are also in a confused and bewildered state, constantly looking for some semblance of order. The older you get the more you think to yourself; Why am I here? Where am I headed? What am I supposed to be doing? You find yourself "like children, tossed to and fro, and carried about with every wind of doctrine, in the hands of atheist professors, professional clergy, or religious quacks, using cunning craftiness, just lying in wait to deceive the confused;" Ephesians 4:14 

Then you have a miraculous born again experience, and Christians tell you, now things will become clear and go back in order, but the opposite seems to happen. Good people's opinions on everything in life, begin to overwhelm your inner man. Well meaning Christians from every walk of life, telling you how I want you to live, eat, walk, talk, believe, and behave, and they are all different! One lists everything as sin and another rips the list up declaring nothing a sin! One says, how much I love you and I see no sin, another warns how severe I am going to punish you if you sin! Some use their bible like a hammer and some never read their bible. Some say I made them rich and some say I made them poor. 

Many of you ask, if I am a God of order, why is there a church on every corner, and each one says, what they offer is better than what the others offer? The answer is very simple My child: They don't really know Me or they would not be in competition drawing you to themselves! You are looking at confusion, to get free from confusion, but you will never find peace and order until you find Me. "I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man comes out of confusion and unto the Father, but by Me." John 14:6 KJV Until you come to Me personally, just you and Me, talking alone every day, your life will be in disorder, I don't care how many churches you go to, or how long you have been in a church. I am love, and if you follow love you will find Me. 

You can follow, great music, great preaching, large crowds, but until you get to know Me one on one you will always be confused! When you meet with Me every day personally, one on one, I will explain My word to you and things will become clear. "I am the light of the world: if you follow Me you will not walk in the confusion and darkness of religion, but will have the light of life, walking in love, because I am love." John 8:12 Now let Me show you how to find My church! 

When you and I become close friends, talking everyday, you will "walk in the light of My word, and if you walk in the light, as I am in the light, you will have fellowship with others who are talking everyday with Me and walking in the light, and My blood will keep cleansing you and them from all sin, on a daily basis." 1 John 1:7  Don't worry you will know who they are because "every one that loveth is born of God, and knows Me. [8] He that does not love, does not know Me; for I am love. [12]... If you love one another, My Father dwells in you, and His love is perfected in you. [16] You will quickly know and believe the love that I have for you. Listen friend, I am love; and he that dwells in love dwells in My Father and I, and Holy Spirit dwells in him. [18] Now here is the bottom line: There is no fear or confusion or disorder in love; because perfect love casts out all fear and confusion and puts things in order: because confusion and fear is torment. He that feareth is not yet made perfect in love." 1 John 4:7-8,12,16,18 KJV

So let's you and I start talking now, and get you out of confusion and get your life in order, ok? I love you!

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