Friday, February 14, 2014


Yes he was right when he said: "For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing the difference between good and evil and blessing and calamity." Genesis 3:5 AMP Exactly right, but what the liar did not tell Eve, was when you know the evil, you will not be able to handle it, because the good will leave, and evil will completely consume you and all your seed! Please understand that I created you one way, but because satan told a half truth, you were born another way. You were created clean and pure, healthy and strong, with full capacity to subdue the earth. Your were created not to know  or experience pain, sickness and sorrow. 

But now since man knows evil, and it has corrupted his seed, and you were born in a sinful condition. Today you and the world are suffering the full effects of that deception, and so "in the world you shall have tribulation: BUT here's the good news, I want you to, be of good cheer; I have overcome the world." John 16:33 KJV Because on the cross, I paid the price for the Eves wrong decision, you can start over and be born again, and head BACK TO YOUR ORIGINAL CREATION. That's right, right now "if any man be in Me, he is a new creature: old things stemming from your natural birth are passed away; and behold, all things become new with a spiritual birth, because you are born again." 2 Corinthians 5:17 KJV

Now, here's the secret, the more of your life you surrender to Me, the more of the original creation shows up in you! First in your inner man, with love, joy and peace, then in your outer physical body, with health and supernatural energy! This is Because "the Spirit of your Creator Who raised Me from the dead dwells in you, and My Father your Creator, Who raised Me up from the dead will also restore to life your natural physical (short-lived, perishable) body, through that same Holy Spirit Who now dwells in you." Romans 8:11 AMP 

Now keep in mind, you cannot base your faith, on what people who call themselves believers look like. Many of them, are sick, complaining, or playing with some kind of sin. They are afraid of catching other people's sickness and live in fear just like the unsaved. They believe just enough to get to heaven, but not enough to get back to their original creation! They don't really understand Me in the full power of My resurrection. To all those who will totally surrender to My will, I "give them power and authority over unclean spirits, to drive them out, and to cure all kinds of disease and all kinds of weakness and infirmity." Matthew 10:1 AMP 

For some reason these just barely believers, refuse to give up stupid things like their TVs and things that take their time away from spending it with Me, so their faith is almost nothing! As a result many of them will make it to heaven but they are living in a kind of hell on earth, and that's not the way I created you! So it's up to you, do you want to be a half, three quarter, of a full true believer. Each level has its individual benefits. I encourage you to take the full salvation package and get back to the way you were created with full power over sin, sickness, depression and the devil! 

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