Saturday, March 22, 2014



If the burden you are carrying is heavy and you are not living life with ease, you are doing your own thing. All the weight is in your head, and resting on your shoulders. It's forming a yoke of bondage to a schedule you never planned or wanted. Fear and or desire form people's thinking, causing them to plan their future in very small decisions. From the time they wake, to the time they fall asleep, they hear these compelling words, you need to-- you need to--- you need to. Each (need to) carries a serious consequence in their own mind, causing them to be driven. The burden increases when instead of the need being met, it introduces two or more added needs! Like when you buy it, you must pay for it!

Now add to that, the (need to's) of your spouse, the kids, and friends! This is where most people begin breaking down, because the burden is too heavy to bear. They are no longer fun to be around, they have more questions than answers, they have problems upon problems and no solutions. Their body begins to break down under the pressure and they develop all kinds of physical ailments, which brings in the final crushing burden of paying for doctors, drugs and health care. This is the point where people turn to back to My way of doing things, or blame Me and quit! 

When you follow Me there are two paths to choose, you can work for Me or you can work with Me. Either way you choose, I know you love Me, and I love you, but the issue is not Me it's the path. When you work with Me I will give you rest, from the labor of working for Me. This is the difference of doing a good thing, over a God thing. This is where you are doing your own thing for Me. You are carrying out the great commission your way, with ten times the earthly effort a one tenth the eternal results. 

When you work side by side with Me I carry the weight of all the decision making, because the government is on My shoulders not yours. If every believer would come to Me, instead of laboring with heavy burdens, they could  [29] share My yoke, and learn from Me; But most people want to be seen that they are doing something for Me, so they have a battle with humility, but I am meek and lowly in heart: and offer a place of rest for their mind, will and emotions. [30] I keep telling believers that My yoke is easy, and My burden is light." Matthew 11:28-30 KJV But most just go to the bank take out a loan and start doing their own thing working for Me. Even then I honor their faith and pay it off, but there is very little reward for a whole lot of effort.

In order to walk this easy path of working with Me, your salvation experience must be updated with the baptism of My Holy Spirit, where you receive power that comes upon you: and from then on you will be a real witness for Me both in home, and in your city, and in your nation, and then the uttermost part of the earth." Acts 1:8 It takes a lot more faith to work with Me, because the (for Me) people will put you down as a do nothing. 

Remember when "Martha was burdened down about how hard she was working for Me, and came to Me, and said, Lord, don't you care that my sister Mary, hath left me to work alone for you? Make her help me. [41] And I answered and said, Martha, Martha, you are worried and troubled about many things because you think this is what I want: [42] But there is only one thing I want: and Mary has chosen to work with Me and not for Me, and her reward will not be taken away from her." Luke 10:40-42 KJV If you work with Me you will accomplish ten times more with one tenth the effort, because all you need to do is sow and water, I do all the work of giving the increase! 1 Corinthians 3:6 Remember your government, where your directions come from, should be on My shoulders, because I know the plans I have for you! Do it the easy way, work with Me today and from now on!

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