Tuesday, March 4, 2014



The definition of handicapped is:

Having a condition the markedly restricts ones ability to properly function physically, mentally, or socially. Viewing from the kingdom prospective, if you are a born again christian living in America, there is a very good chance that your mentally handicapped because you are programmed to think negative and "as a man thinks so is he." Proverbs 23:7 KJV Take worry for example: If you worry about finances, you have a sick mind, it's a sick mind that calls a God that cannot lie, a liar! When your mind says "my God will not supply all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 MHV (mentally handicapped version) When your in your right mind, there's no worry because your mind says, "my God will supply all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus." Philippians 4:19 KJV

If you display one or more of the following symptoms then you are most likely mentally disabled: worry, fret, depression, despondency, anger, bitterness, unable to be completely honest, withdrawn, negative, critical, judgmental, gossipy, always broke, complainer, fault finder, lustful, filthy minded, or have a filthy mouth. There are many signs of mental illness such as you being "impure and immoral, an idolater, or adulterer, or one those who participate in homosexuality, [10] a cheat (swindler or thief), or greedy grasper, or drunkard, or foulmouthed reviler and slanderer, or extortioner and robber." 1 Corinthians 6:9-10 AMP It all stems from  a sickness in the head, caused by your old sinful nature. These are the more pronounced negative signs of mental sickness, but there are many signs that are more easily covered up, such as greed, self righteousness, jealousy, fear, anxiety, doubt and unbelief. 

There are degrees of mental illness, from mild to severe. Severe is obvious and fatal. A severely mentally handicapped Christian is one suffers from one or more of the above symptoms but denies it or justifies it. I know, you are thinking, these are a list of sins, not mental illness, but what you are not understanding is, after you are born again, sin becomes a choice. Let Me ask you a question, "how can you who died to sin live in it any longer? [3] Are you ignorant of the fact that all born again Christians who have been baptized into Me, were baptized into My death? [4] You were buried therefore with Me by the baptism into death, so that just as I was raised from the dead by the glorious power of My Father, so you too can habitually live and behave in newness of life, with a new mind. 

[5] For if you have become one with Me by sharing a death like Mine, you are also one with Me in sharing My resurrection with a new mind and a new life, lived for My Father in kingdom power. [6] You know that your old (unrenewed) mind and self, was nailed to the cross with Me in order that your mind and body which was the instrument of sin, might be made ineffective and inactive for evil, that you no longer be the slaves of sin." Romans 6:2-6 AMP

Here's the bottom line: before being born again, you were a slave to sin and had no choice, however when you are born again you are no longer a slave, and you are free to choose. Choose to sin or not to sin! If you choose to sin after I set you free, you are mentally sick and need your mind renewed. Stop blaming everyone else and "be renewed in the spirit of your mind; [24] Then put on the new man, which like your Father God, is created in righteousness and true holiness. [25] then with your new Mind put away lying, and speak truth to every man: for you are members one of another.

[26] You can Be angry at sin, and but don't sin by being angry at a person: and never go to sleep angry: [27] because this will give a place for the devil to get into your mind again. [28] If you were a thief, just stop stealing: and get a job, working honestly with your hands the thing which is good, that you may have to give to him that is in need. [29] Don't let any garbage communication proceed out of your mouth, but only that which is good to build people up, that it may minister grace unto the hearers. 

[30] You must stop grieving the Holy Spirit with mentally sick choices, because He is the one who sealed your salvation until the day of your redemption. [31] He will be grieved if you don't get rid of all your stupid bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamour, and evil speaking, so just choose to put it away from you, along with all malice: [32] Then with your new mind, choose to be kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as I have forgiven you." Ephesians 4:22-32 KJV 

If you are spiritually mentally handicapped after you are born again, you are choosing to be! Ask Me for a new mind every day, and you will be amazed because here is how the new mind thinks! It thinks on "whatever is true and pure, whatever is worthy of reverence and is honorable and seemly, whatever is just, whatever is lovely and lovable, and whatever is kind. So if there is any virtue and excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, you will be thinking on these things and fixing your minds on them" and you mental illness will disappear. Philippians 4:8 AMP

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