Some of your are asking this everyday. This is difficult to answer when you can't hear so I will write it down now. The truth is you have selective hearing which tunes out truth that sets you free. There are truths that sound good, feel good, and make you successful on earth, but left to themselves, will leave you bankrupt in eternity. Truths like, be friendly and you will have friends, make friends of mammon for the hard times, give and it will given to you. These are all feel good truths that work for sinner and saint alike. Remember the selective hearing man that said,
"All these have I kept from my youth up. And then he developed selective hearing when I said, "Yet you lack one thing: sell all that you have, and distribute unto the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven: and then you can come and follow me." Luke 18:21-22 KJV
You actually can hear Me, but you can't accept the idea of a price that you
must pay to follow in My footsteps. I paid everything that you could not pay,
the price for your sin and freedom to choose was finished at the cross. There is
nothing more for Me to do. I made the way, I am telling you the truth, and I am
offering you eternal life. What you are stuck on is the truth about your part.
Where I finished you must begin! I am not condemning you, why would I do that, I
love you. "My Father did not send Me into the world to condemn the world; but
that the world through Me might be saved. [18] So he that believes on Me is not
condemned: but he that does not believe is condemned already, because he hath
not believed in My name, the only begotten Son of God.
[19] Now here is the hard part that you have a hard time hearing: And this
is the condemnation part:, that light is come into the world, and men loved
darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil. [20] For every one
that does evil hateth the light, neither cometh to the light, lest his deeds
should be reproved. [21] Here is where selective hearing takes place: He that
DOES TRUTH, obeys the truth, cometh to the light, that his deeds may be made
manifest, and your obedience to My word produces right living wrought in
Father's grace." John 3:17-21 KJV
How can you say you believe Me and yet not love Me. Thats what Judas did.
If you say, I love you Lord, I say, "If ye love me, keep my commandments." John
14:15 KJV Believing the biblical and historical facts does nothing, "the devils
also believe, and tremble." James 2:19 Consider this, you may be developing an
ear decease called, last day itching ears. When it is in it's last stage you
have complete selective hearing.
"You are living in a time when people will not tolerate (endure) sound and
wholesome instruction, because there is an epidemic of itching ears, itching for
something pleasing and gratifying, they will gather to themselves one teacher
after another to a considerable number, chosen to satisfy their own liking and
to foster the errors they hold, [4] And will turn aside from hearing the truth
and wander off into seeker friendly myths and man-made fictions." 2 Timothy
4:3-4 AMP
I paid a great price for you, I love you unconditionally and I do not want
you to suffer for eternity. The fact that you even heard of Me, means you have
been extended great grace. That same grace is able to empower you to obey, what
you say you believe. It is impossible to believe and not obey! This is why
parents cannot make their children obey, because the parent says, "do as I say I
believe, not as I actually do"! No one will believe what you say, if you do the
opposite! I am the Truth, get rid of the itching ears and obey the truth, I am
giving you the grace to do the truth, today. You really can hear Me, you just
don't want to hear that terrible six letter life changing word that the Spirit
is saying! REPENT
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