Friday, March 28, 2014



Temptation must have a human object with attuned receptors in order to exist. A tree cannot be tempted, a plant  or a car cannot be tempted because they must possess the ability to desire. When you hear the word temptation, your mind immediately move along the lines if basic human need and appetite, such as Food, water, or sex. Desire is not evil, if you did not have desire, the human race would have been extinct long ago. Temptation is not a sin because I was tempted in all points like you are, yet I did not sin." Hebrews 4:15 

Desire is a motivational force that keeps the human being moving forward. If you did not have a desire to live, you would die very quickly. The desire to eat and drink keeps you alive. The desire to have sex extends the race to the next generation. Without desire humanity would have been extinct after Adam and Eve. Temptation pulls on your desires, to get you to move in a certain direction. Satan is known the tempter, Matthew 4:3 KJV because he knows that I have created human desires to keep you moving forward. He being evil, has created millions of appetizing deceptions, all designed to attract one or more of those desires and pull you down the "broad way, that leads to destruction, and many there be which go down it:" Matthew 7:13 KJV

I have nothing to do tempting, so don't ever "say when you are tempted, I am tempted of God: for I cannot be tempted with evil, neither do I tempt any man:" James 1:13 KJV Because Eve was tempted and fell, every human since has been born in sin, and does not need to be tempted because they are already on satan's broad road headed for destruction. However when you become born again, you change to the narrow road that leads in the opposite direction, to eternal life. This is where temptation really begins. Satan is extremely angry that you are headed in the opposite direction, he does everything in his power to tempt you, to turn around.  

He works on your natural human desires that keep the human race moving forward, to take them out of bounds and use them to move you backwards. For example, one of his big ones is sex outside of marriage. However you have two defenses at your disposal. First: if you will begin to "delight yourself in the Me and My word ; I will place brand new desires in your heart." Psalm 37:4 Desires that cannot be tempted by sin, but are drawn only by My Father because, "no natural man with natural desires can even come to Me, unless the Father which sent Me draws him: and they are the ones I will raise up at My return to live eternally." John 6:44 

Second: is where My Holy Spirit comes in play. When you receive Me, My Holy Spirit comes to guide you into all truth. This truth reveals the deception of the tempter ahead of time      so you are not only set free but you are kept free. Now here is the good part of temptation; Blessed are you that endure temptation: for when you are tempted and do not fall, you pass the test, and you are guaranteed to receive the awesome crown of life, which I have promised to all you that love Me." James 1:12 KJV

So today, protect yourself by delighting yourself all day in Me and In all your ways acknowledge Me, so I can direct your steps." Proverbs 3:6 KJV and obey every nudge of My Holy Spirit, as He says, this is the way, walk in it! so He can guide you away from deception and into all truth. Today every temptation can work for your good if you do it My way!

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