Saturday, March 8, 2014



There is no such thing as a mistake or accident in the kingdom. In the kingdom we replace those words with "wrong choice"! In your physical world even your insurance companies are changing their vocabulary: Here’s their summation: "AUTOMOBILE CRASHES ARE NOT ACCIDENTS Vehicle accidents have been occurring since the first rider fell off his horse, two chariots collided in the Rome streets, or the first motorized vehicles collided in an American street. It was not until August 11, 1997 that the U.S. Department of Transportation’s National Highway Traffic Safety Administration decided that “Crashes are not Accidents.” Motor vehicle crashes and injuries are predictable and preventable events. “Since we can identify the causes of crashes, we can take action to alter the effect, and avoid collisions. These events are not “acts of God” but predictable results of the laws of physics." 
Here is why this has eternal importance; no one can repent of a mistake, no one can take full responsibility for an accident. This is not always an issue in the simple things like knocking over a glass of milk, but when it involves sin, big or small it is. If you cheated, lied, stole, lusted, had a one night stand, or punched someone in the face, you did not make a mistake, you made a wrong choice. The motor vehicle department gave the reason, (Since we can identify the causes of crashes, we can take action to alter the effect, and avoid collisions.) I you do not take full responsibility for your sin, you cannot repent, (change our mind), because the words, mistake and accident imply, it was no ones fault and therefore unavoidable. 

There are many sins that do not carry the death penalty, "and if you happen see a brother or sister sin a sin which is not unto death, you can ask forgiveness for them, and life will be given for them that sin which is not unto death. There is a sin unto death: I do not say that you should pray for it, the person themselves must take responsibility and repent, or death will result. [17] All unrighteousness is sin: and there are sins that are not unto death." 1 John 5:16-17 Sins that lead to death, are detailed several times in My word.   

Adam and Eve immediately tried to brush of responsibility for their sin; "Adam said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. [13] And the Lord God said unto the woman, What is this that thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat." Genesis 3:12-13 KJV But now in the age of political correctness, and to avoid confrontation, Christian say, "it was just a mistake, forget about it!" or "It's no big deal it was an accident, after all I am only human!" 

Born again, spirit filled Christians are not ONLY human, they have part of the Godhead, the Holy Spirit living in their body, in the chest and belly area. "The sheep that are My own hear and are listening to My voice; and I know them, and they follow Me." John 10:27 AMP From the belly area My Holy Spirit is able to direct your decision making process. However this is a totally voluntary process, He will tell you the right decision to make in every tiny thing if you allow Him. Most people do not ask, thinking it's too small a thing to ask, like traveling protection to the store three blocks away! It's not a sin to turn left at the light, however would you conclude it was a wrong decision, if it resulted in a crash that killed your family, because some one ran a stop sign? 

The enemy is looking for every opportunity to kill you, if you do not continually listen to My voice, know My voice, or you are to busy to ask Me, you put you and your family in jeopardy, by either disobedience or neglect. In either case needless suffering occurs! And then the stupid question is asked, "where was God"? I was there trying to tell you, No not this light, no tell the truth, no don't go with her, no don't keep it! You called Me something, when you said, some thing told Me not to! If you continue to call you wrong choices mistakes, and do not take full responsibility for your wrong choices you will never repent (change your mind). You are headed for a life of misery because you are destined to repeat, and repeat wrong decisions. Recognize you are not only human, you are a supernatural child of the most high, and there is no excuse to live like a ordinary human! Learn what My voice sounds like, and start asking Me about everything!

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