Wednesday, March 26, 2014



The western church life is very far from real kingdom life, and completely out of alignment with scripture! Deacons are church bosses, instead of church servants, treasurers give orders rather than take them. Pastors are worshipped, rather than honored, a building is called the church, and the church has become an audience. Week in and week out, a few talented people perform, in front of the audience, with no basic change in format. People come and people go, searching for a performance that is worthy of their time and money. Most have a theater goers mindset searching for the best show in town! 

The big celebrity is always the pastor, and the co stars are the worship leader, and co pastor. Among the cast, the value and attention is placed on talent and charisma, using it to move to a more prominent position. The better the talent, bigger the audience, and the greater the worship of the church celebrities. The worship is not intentional, but My name is soon removed from the billboard and replaced with theirs. These leaders become a, fall ready to happen, because they do not stop the praise of themselves, and become puffed up with the pride, that comes just before the fall. Many followers look at these men as spiritual idols, making them very vulnerable to attack.

When these celebrities are caught in Hollywood style sin, the fall from their pedestal is much different than Hollywood, because they are utterly destroyed, and the devastation is catastrophic. The audience, goes into shock, then mouning and finally anger and denial, saying, I never really knew the man! As the audience disperses, the rest of the cast, stomp the fallen leader into the ground, while they try to salvage what he has taken years to build and destroyed in one night! 

Money always becomes a big issue in running a big church business. People who were once precious souls, become viewed as potential income, rather than potential kingdom warriors. Soon everything is built around keeping them happy, so the income does not drop. My Spirit is grieved and My presence leaves, because My church has been sold to the people. It becomes a people pleasing church, instead of My Body "built upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets with Me being the chief Cornerstone. [21] Where in Me the whole structure is joined (bound, welded) together harmoniously, as it continues to rise (grow, increase) into a holy temple abiding in Me, a sanctuary dedicated, consecrated, and sacred and filled with My presence. [22] A church totally saturated in Me and in fellowship with one another. A place where every individual is being built up into a heavenly structure with the rest, to form a fixed abode (dwelling place) for My Father, orchestrated by My Holy Spirit." Ephesians 2:20-22 AMP

My house shall be called a house of prayer; but you have made it into a theater." Matthew 21:13  Lift My name up, and I will do the drawing of the people who will be called by My name. Western leaders, would you ever consider making My house, a house of prayer, where on Sunday morning the only plan is to pray and let My Spirit change lives? Would you ever consider meeting house to house the rest of the week to study My word? Or are you going to say, that's not what the people want? Would you consider really making Me the center of it all, while you sing it? To all the leaders and celebrities I ask, Do you have a house of prayer or a theater? Tear it down before I do!

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