Tuesday, March 18, 2014



When faith moves in, fear weakens but is not removed, because faith comes in degrees according to your ability to hear and heed My word. "Faith comes by hearing, and heeding My word." Romans 10:17 Some of you have little and some have great faith, depending in your obedience to My word, because your obedience actually means you heard Me. However fear still lingers in the background and can creep up on you at the slightest weakening of your faith. 

To kick fear out completely, you must move up the ladder of faith to it's highest level, and step on to the plateau of trust. At the school of hard knocks you learn the "Lessons of how to walk and live in My righteousness which are revealed day by day, as you move from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith." Romans 1:17 There are many plateaus of trust and there are many ladders of faith to climb to each plateau. Some take a lifetime to get to the first plateau, because the are very intellectual, and question every little thing. They lean very heavily on their own understanding. 

Others move up the ladder at lightning speed, because they start out with pure faith, better known as childlike faith. It's an established fact that "whoever does not receive and accept and welcome the kingdom of God like a little child does, he positively will not enter it at all." Mark 10:15 AMP Trust is the goal of each step of faith. Trust means you have moved into knowing. You have tested, tasted, and experienced My goodness and reached a place where doubt is no longer possible. You have moved from, a hearing faith, to a seeing faith, and finally to an experiencing faith, where My power is continually displayed in your everyday life. 

Here is how to move to the absolute trust plateau, where you live a worry free life; You must climb the perfect love ladder, because "There is no fear in love; that's right, perfect love casteth out fear: because as you know fear has torment. Anyone that fears is not made perfect in love. Here's how your love is made perfect, so that you will have boldness in the day of judgment: You must be as radical as I was when I was in this world." 1 John 4:17-18 I was in constant contact with My Father, and I only did what I saw My Father do. When you become one with Me, as My Father and I are one, you will be on the plateau of perfect love. Those who are consumed with things on earth will never reach perfect love, only those who "set their affection on things above, not on things on the earth." Colossians 3:2 

You say, I don't know anyone like this! I ask you, how many worry free people do you know? How many do you know who are laying their treasure up in heaven and not on earth? Matthew 6:20. There are plenty, but not often found in the west. You may be the first in your area, just keep climbing until the things of this world lose all value, and peoples opinions mean nothing. That's the point where you will be standing in unconditional love, and be as fearless as I AM!

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