The throne room is the centergy point of all creation. Centergy is the
center of all energy. The energy of light, the energy of heat, magnetic
energy, the energy of love, and the energy of life, all find their source in
the throne room, emanating from My Father. "There is a throne set in heaven, and
only one sits on the throne. [5] And out of the throne proceeds lightnings and
thunderings and voices: and there are seven lamps of fire burning before the
throne, which are the seven Spirits of My Father. [6] And before the throne
there is a sea of glass like unto crystal: ..." Revelation 4:2,5-6 KJV
Glory is the byproduct of energy. All creation has a certain amount of
energy and glory. "There
are celestial bodies, and terrestrial bodies: but the glory of the celestial is
one, and the glory of the terrestrial is another. [41] There is one glory of the
sun, and another glory of the moon, and another glory of the stars: for one star
differeth from another star in glory. My Father gave His greatest glory to man
and gave him power to subdue all other energy, however man lost his glory
because of disobedience. As the sinless Son of God, My obedience to death on the
cross, made it possible for you to regain your energy and glory! Because of My
obedience "the
resurrection of the dead human, sown in corruption; can be raised in
incorruption: [43] even though you were sown in dishonor; you are now able to be
raised in glory through your own obedience: even though you started in weakness;
your daily obedience will cause you to continually rise in power: as you move
from glory to glory" 1 Corinthians 15:40-43
There are a select few that are destined for the throne room and somewhere
on their journey, as the glory intensifies, they must stop talking about what
they experience. "I have still many things to say to you, but you are not able
to bear them or to take them upon you or to grasp them now," John 16:12 AMP
because you must experience them to grasp them! The more you wait on Me and obey
Me, the more of
My glory you will be exposed too. Each glory becomes more intense, and
transforming. There will come a place in your progressive revelation, that you
will no longer be able to speak openly about what your experience. It's a place
of total misunderstanding because you desire only the things above and loose all
desire for the material things that all other humans lust after!
Being one of the select few is up to you! The select people are part of the
many who were called, and because they say yes, thy will be done, "they are
chosen and foreknown by My Father. They are consecrated (sanctified, made holy)
by the Spirit, to be OBEDIENT to Me, Jesus Christ (the Messiah) and covered with
My blood: [4] Born anew into a glory which is beyond the reach of change and
decay, imperishable, unsullied and unfading, reserved in heaven for you. [5] You
are being guarded by
My Father's power
through your faith till you fully inherit that final salvation that is ready to
be fully revealed to you at the last time, in the highest part of heaven, the
throne room!" 1 Peter 1:2-5
you obey My Spirit in your daily walk, each act of obedience increases your
power level, making it possible for you to do the miraculous! At a certain level
of energy and glory, healing the sick will become second nature to you, and at a
higher level of glory, raising the dead will be no problem. As you wait in My
presence, your trust level grows, the more you trust the easier it is to obey.
The more you obey, the more power and glory is entrusted to you! Soon the three
most important words in your vocabulary will be WAIT - TRUST - OBEY. Waiting in
My presence will become a supernatural habit and from then on you will know only
two words as you quickly advance toward centergy and the throne room; trust and
obey, trust and obey, trust and obey! Now you know why a few have it and most do