Saturday, April 5, 2014



That's right,  I know the thoughts and plans that I have for you, but the question is, do you? I have beautiful thoughts and plans that look out for your eternal welfare and peace, they are not for evil, but plans to give you hope in your final outcome. [12] You will discover what the plans are only when you call upon Me, and wait before Me and pray to Me, that's when I will hear you and pay attention to you. [13] It's when you are so desperate to know, that you seek Me, inquire of Me, and require of Me, with every thing in you, realizing it is a vital necessity for life. You will only find Me and My plan, when you search for Me with all your heart. [14] That's when I will be found by you, and I will release you from all your personal bondage and gather you from all the places to which I have driven you, in order that you would come to this place of desperation in seeking Me. It does not matter how far away from My plan you got, I will bring you back to the place from which I caused you to be carried away," Jeremiah 29:11-14 and My plan for you is still valid if you will totally surrender to it!

All other plans are void of joy and peace, no matter how much money you make, or how many degrees you acquire! All other plans are a complete waste of time because at the very best they are only useable for a hundred years! In the end they become wood, hay and stubble to be burned. 1Corinthians 3:12 KJV I am so anxious to show you My "good, acceptable, and perfect, plan for your life. But you will not be able to see it if you are still conforming to this worlds plan, you must be transformed by the renewing of your mind, and changing of your thought patterns, in order to prove My plan works for you! " Romans 12:2 KJV By the way I do not have three plans only one: it's a plan that's ACCEPTABLE to you because it produces the joy and peace you were searching for, to those you minister too, it is a GOOD plan, because you healed their wounds, and it is PERFECT plan in heaven, because I designed it. So it's a single plan and it's good, acceptable and perfect, bringing My favor as long as you live according to it!

However, let Me be perfectly clear on the way you seek Me with your whole heart, in order to find My plan for you: Seeking Me with your whole heart, does not mean praying during the commercials, while you watch the game or show. I only hear desperate prayers, because it's "the effectual FERVENT, DESPERATE prayer of a righteous man avails much in discovering My plan for your life.." James 5:16 KJV If your attention is not one hundred percent on My plan for your life, then you are only half hearted about My Kingdom and you are not seeking it first. Matt 6:33 You are actually double minded and I do not listen to any prayers coming from a double minded man. James 1:7-8 KJV Everything you could ever hope for, or have ever dreamed of is waiting for you here in the kingdom planning room, I am anxiously waiting for you to come and pick up your plans!

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