Thursday, August 16, 2012



Did you know that the only way you could be totally honest is to take My place as God. The heart is deceitful above all things , and desperately wicked: who can know it? " Jeremiah 17:9 (KJV) You can be honest only to the degree of your knowledge but beyond that you are guessing or speculating. Now because you cannot know your heart, your motives cannot be known either. For example, a pretty girl has a flat tire and you say you are led to rush to her aid, you get dirty in the process and are late for a meeting. You tell people that the spirit led you to stop, which may well be. However everyday you see the lady across the street struggle with her car door and say you don't have time to help, you must get to your appointment. Why didn't My Spirit lead you to help her? Could it have anything to do with the fact that one is 25 with a short skirt and the other is 85 with a walker.

Honest says I felt led to help with the tire. Totally honest says, my motive was to take advantage of a situation, and I drawn by a lustful spirit, not the Holy Spirit. The walker woman is more needy but the carnal mind cannot hear My voice say, stop and help her. The motivation of the heart is determined by how dead your flesh is. You are motivated by either the Spirit or the flesh there is no in between. Do you know how many things you do in one day, to get appreciation? Most, as a matter of fact. Simple things reveal motivation; such as the guy you were kind enough to let get in front off you, and he never said, "thank you". What went through your mind, did you help him say thank you, by saying it for him? Did you think, 'you ungrateful heathen, see if I let you in again'. How many times a day do you hesitate long enough for a thank you?

See how many times you say, I love you and wait to hear it repeated back to you. Appreciation is a great motivator. Did you notice how few time I gave out complements, this was because I ... "knew what was in human nature. I could read men's hearts." John 2:25 (AMP). I never complement or reward an ulterior motive because it's a lie, known or unknown, it's still a lie. Lying with your body language is called dissembling and many people that "hate, dissemble with their lips, and lay up deceit within themselves; [25] They speak fair to you, but believe them not: for there are seven abominations in their hearts." Proverbs 26:24-25 (KJV)

Causing people to believe something other than the truth with your actions and compliments, defines a dissembler or con artist. Telling a girl she is beautiful, and buying her flowers, because you want to bless her, is wonderful. But if you want HER, it's dissembling or deception. This is a well accepted practice world wide, with believers and nonbeliever alike, but it's not in the kingdom. When the actions, words and motivation are not all the same, we call it a lie. I will always "be found true though every human be found false and a liar, so that You may be justified and shown to be upright in what You say, and prevail when You are judged by sinful men." (because your motivations were made right by truth). Romans 3:4 (AMP)

You will never be sure of your motivation because you have no idea what formed your outlook on life. Every single thing that you ever heard, saw, touched, smelled or tasted from the time you were conceived in your mothers womb, plays a part in what motivates you. Your ancestors play a part as well as your peers and siblings. For this reason you must be born again and have My word work on your old nature, because My word "is alive and full of power making it active, operative, energizing, and effective; it is sharper than any two-edged sword, penetrating to the dividing line of the breath of life (soul) and the immortal spirit, and of joints and marrow of the deepest parts of our nature, exposing and sifting and analyzing and judging the very THOUGHTS and PURPOSES of the heart." Hebrews 4:12 (AMP)

You will probably be a con artist in some form today, letting someone believe something other that the absolute truth and feel justified because you are not telling them an outright lie. When your wife calls, and you quickly say, "I am in a meeting" you are telling her the truth, but your meeting is with the guys at a restaurant, but you know, she is picturing you in a serious board room meeting and you are the center of the discussion. Your motivation is to get her off the phone so you do not have to explain your tardiness. You were honest, but not totally. Totally honest would respond, "I don't want to talk now because I am enjoying myself with the guys at a restaurant, I will be home later".

The fear of the flack to follow, suddenly became your motivator, causing you to slip back to your old nature and dissemble. These things have become the norm in Christianity and seem harmless but left unchecked will make you a full-fledged liar in the end. Start today by letting My Spirit make you totally honest, no longer lying to others or yourself, because you can't lie to Me.

Visit my blog to review all messages
Best regards
Jim Hammerle

Sent from my iPad

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