Friday, August 31, 2012



Every human must come to grips with the sinful nature of irresponsibility. All human troubles, problems and woes stem from the blame game. It's never fully their fault for anything. The day Adam sinned was the day the game started, he started the giant circle of repeated offenses, the moment he said, "the woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat." Genesis 3:12 (KJV) He was really blaming Me for his disobedience, when he had it perfect in every way.

Do you see where you get it from? Your were born not to take responsibility for your actions. Most lawyers would be forced out of business if, passing the buck did not exist! The lawyer and the psychiatrist make their living helping you to blame other for you own sins. Billions of times a day, the beat goes on and Adam's words are echoed: My wife never... My husband doesn't... My mom was not there for me. My dad was never home. I fell into the wrong crowd... She tempted me... He offered me... We were brought up that way ... The pressure was too great so I... He got in the way ... I just said... She made me mad. On and on it goes, and somehow you are always left out of the equation.

When something goes right, you run to the spotlight, it was your doing and you let everyone know it, but every time it goes wrong, you seem to be missing. This disappearing act is in the very core nature of the human race. If you can see this at the center of all your troubles, and deal with it! you will be able to enter the kingdom quickly. I am the only one that was completely blameless, so I took all your blame and shame and delivered it back to hell, where it came from. However if you still want pass the buck, and blame others for your situation, you still retain your own blame and shame, and will never enter the kingdom.

Face it friend, YOU ARE TO BLAME, you are the sum total of all your own decisions. Now let's get down to the seed of blame, which is shame. Everyone passes the buck to avoid the shame of a bad decision. Shame in any degree causes emotional pain in the soul of man. The same way fire causes pain to the body, so is shame to the soul. Just as you are quick to pull your hand back from the fire, so you are as quick to pass the buck and blame others.

Now let's go all the way to the bottom of this issue: Time gets the blame for it all. I don't have enough time, I didn't have enough time, time ran out, I was behind schedule, I was rushing, I never took the time. Time is also the solution to this, kingdom stopping blame game. If you will shut down everything and be willing to give enough time for Me to get you to take the blame, for you for all your problems in life, I can take your shame and set you free. The day you stop, passing the buck, take the full blame and "confess your sins, I am faithful and just to forgive your sins, and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness." (and set you free) 1 John 1:9 (KJV)

You cannot confess your sins, if you say, it was the sin of someone else, that caused your problem. Every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of HIS OWN LUST, and enticed." James 1:14 (KJV) Every kingdom person must first take full responsibility for their life and blame no one else, for anything. If you take time with Me every day, you will eventually avoid all wrong decisions, and never have the need to pass the buck again. Whenever "you lack wisdom, ask Me, because I give to all men liberally, without blaming you; and I will give it to you." James 1:5 (KJV)

It's so simple, you take the blame, I take your shame, this way you can easily forgive and be free to enter the kingdom. Right now your old nature is saying, "NO WAY". I beg you My child, don't listen to your old nature, and or when you try to enter the kingdom I will say, "NO WAY", not with all that shame!

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Best regards
Jim Hammerle

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