Wednesday, April 25, 2012



There are two tsunamis coming one negative and one positive. However both can destroy you if your not prepared. Just before a tsunami hits everything becomes strangely quiet, the water draws way out to sea, leaving ships and boats leaning in the sand. People are captivated by the awesome white surf visible a mile away. Then suddenly within seconds a crushing wave as high as 80 ft moving at 400 mph crushes everything for a mile inland. In a few minutes paradise is turned into a massive morgue with thousands of dead bodies for a hundred miles.

There are two spiritual tsunamis coming that have similar symptoms. When the negative tsunami begins, things get quiet, because nothing of any significance seems to be happening in your life. Spiritual excitement moves out, leaving everything feeling bottomed out. The fact that you have not sinned and are not in disobedience, leaves you dismayed at this strange phenomena. Then all of sudden it hits you, "satan has asked excessively that all of you be given up to him out of the power and keeping of God, that he might sift all of you like grain," Luke 22:31 (AMP)

Wave after wave of negative thoughts tear away at your mind. 'You have outlived your usefulness! You are a legend in your own mind! People tolerate you but would be happier without you! Thanks but no thanks! Your a has-been! After knocking down your confidence, when this wave moves back out to sea, it drags your joy with it. Now on top of this comes the second wave, people unknowingly confirming the thoughts, with apparent rejection and put downs, tearing at the roots and foundations of everything, dragging back out to sea, your pride and confidence. The the final wave meant to do you in, the wave of circumstances, money, job, kids, car, lost keys, missing cell phone, neighbor screaming, traffic ticket, flat tire, bills, and people blaming you, without cause.

When the third wave hits you realize this could be it for you and you fall on your face and begin to speak in tongues as My Spirit begins to help in your rescue. Thats when you recognize that "the enemy (has) come in like a flood, (but recognizing is not enough, you must grab on to My promises and start praising My name, believing My Spirit) ... will lift up a standard against him." Isaiah 59:19 (KJV) All of a sudden you feel yourself being raised to higher ground and I remind you that "Only with thine eyes shalt thou behold and see the reward of the wicked. [9] Because thou hast made the Lord , which is my refuge, even the most High, thy habitation;" Psalm 91:8-9 (KJV)

Within hours it's all over and and you discover "I have prayed for you, that you faith would not fail: and when thou art converted, (raised to a new level of faith) (you are to testify) and strengthen thy brethren.(other tsunami victims)" Luke 22:32 (KJV)

The positive tsunami has all the same warning signs as the negative and at the time when everything seems to have gone out and an eery silence hangs everywhere, "suddenly there comes a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind, and it fills (everything)." Acts 2:2 (KJV) And wave after wave of souls keep pouring in! Free men and prisoners alike "gladly received (My) word (and are baptized): and in one day (thousands are added to My body)". Acts 2:41 (KJV)

Babies, by the thousands with all their energy, enthusiasm, joy, and messes all needing attention are suddenly dumped on the church. Hundreds of mature saints are needed immediately, to nurture and feed these new babes. Ask yourself, is the church in the west prepared, because the revival tsunami is coming? Or are they "...entangled in the enterprises of civilian life; "2 Timothy 2:4 (AMP) You need to pray and pray hard that "the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth laborers (seasoned saints) into his harvest." Matthew 9:38 (KJV) Because a revival tsunami is coming and if you are not prepared it too can wipe you out.

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Best regards
Jim Hammerle

Sent from my iPad

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